
Take him back or not? Baby on the way!?

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My boyfriend and I found out we were pregnant in May. He was in a better mood about it than I was as he eventually wanted little ones and I didn't. Nevertheless we told his family in a big shindig kinda way and bam two days later he breaks up with me! Wooooahhh...kinda out of nowhere! He says we have a history of arguments and spats and that we will eventually break up in the future so we should just get it over with now instead of putting our child through it later. We are now broken up, over two months, and we are doing great. Sure it was heart breaking at first but are getting along better than ever. He spends every day with me so I know he didn't break up with me for someone else...he still gives me back rubs and hugs and cooks me supper. I don't understand why we broke up, we are still acting exactly like a couple...just without the word "relationship". It's kinda stupid!




  1. When my husband and I found out after 4 years of trying and being told we'd never have a baby we found out we were pregnant.  The only thing is we were in the middle of getting divorced for similar reasons to you and your bf.  We decided to that nothing was to be set in stone and take it as it comes and get counselling to see if we could actually salvage the relationship.  We ended up working it out and growing stronger.  You and your bf sound like you are on a very good road to working it out, but make sure you take baby steps.  By the time the baby comes and is actually born you'll be surprised at how well you guys have worked together and be amazed at what you created together which does help to solidify what you both could be thinking, "could we be a family?".  You guys are getting a second chance, so do what you can to make it work and see where it goes.  Wait til you see his face at the ultrasound when he sees it moving around!

    Today my husband and I are still married with a beautiful 20 month old little girl and a son due in September.

  2. You never know his family might have been shocked when you's told them you were pregnant, and pressured him into leaving you and that is why he still spends everyday with you without the relationship. So that way he's still pleasing his family by not being in a relationship with you, but is still spending time with you like you's are still going out and for the baby as well. He sounds like he still loves you. And yes go to councilling if you think it would help, you have to try something. I may be right, i may be wrong, only time will tell. Good luck!

  3. Yeah, but maybe take family counseling so you can work on your relationship and the relationship you want to have with your child together - also, then he might not be so resistant to the idea - Good Luck & Congrats

  4. I think you should wait and see how things work out now, and make sure you guys would be able to have a " relationship". I guess you could always take him back, since you guys are always together as it is, and i guess add the whole " relationship " status and just see how things work out. If not you know you guys can be friends and might be better off that way. So i guess give it another shot, and if not just be friends so he can be there for his kid.. it will all work out eventually

  5. I rocken you two should take things and get back together, as you sound happy together and you love each other. He regrets what he has done and i think he would want you back. Congratulations on the baby and hope everything falls to place

  6. counseling sounds like a greay idea and i'm glad to hear a women with her head on straight!!!! congrats on the baby!!!!!

  7. i think it sounds really silly that you have broken up when you both obviously love each other and you still spend everyday with each other.

    if you want to split up...dont spend time with each other..also, its nice that hes helping you out..BUT have you ever thought he may be doing to find another girl without leaving you at all.

    i have had this done to me....1st we broke up..then he spent time with me...the  breakup didnt really even enter my mind..

    then bam...he had found another girl and said..we werent together.

    dont let that happen to you..especially as your in a fragile state. be smart

    congrats and good luck :)

  8. Please read Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggreichs. If you can, get him to read it also. This changed my now husband and I's relationship. Also read The Five Love Languages. I Will buy these books from you if these don't prove to be completely worth every penny!!!!!

  9. I would think long and hard about this, maybe seek counseling.  You want to make the right decisions and not find out down the road that he was not the one for you.  You do have a child to think about and a future with one parent is hard coming from a single parent family.

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