1. Of these, which do you think are the FOUR (4) most effective ways of promoting vegetarianism / veganism?
A. Handing out pamphlets in a busy area
B. Posting fliers on bulletin boards & other places
C. Online activism, like posting videos on YouTube or answering questions on Y!A
D. Tabling (staffing a table with free literature)
E. Sharing veg food with friends & family
F. Participating in protests / rallies
G. Hosting video screenings or showing videos to friends and family
H. Writing letters to the editor
I. Asking restaurants or grocery stores to add veg options
J. Talking to people about vegetarianism
K. Acting as a walking billboard for vegetarianism through bumper stickers, t-shirts, pins, etc.
L. Living by example
M. Other (Explain)
2. If you’re vegetarian, did you become vegetarian as a result of someone calling you names or criticizing you for eating meat?
A. Yes
B. No
3. Are you either vegetarian or vegan?
A. Yes
B. No
Thanks for your help with this informal research!