
Take summer course or volunteer?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently 2nd year university student, and will have finished all the credits (by May) I need to move onto third year (I'm planning to major in psychology). I'm also working part-time at a retail department store (~12 hrs/week).

I was just wondering what you guys think, and any suggestions? I'll be working throughout summer. But I don't know whether I should take one summer course (May-midJune) to sort of "get ahead" and thus, lessening my course load starting in september, OR should I take the opportunity to do some volunteer work in the community, which I haven't done in about 2 yrs =(. I was thinking volunteer with something health/counselling/office... related (like vancouver coastal health) b/c it'd be a great opportunity to experience diff things, help & meet ppl and see what I want to do in the future. Plus...perhaps get some 'future connections' and experience, and see exactly what my interests are...




  1. Hello,

    My personal opinion would to volunteer part of your time and it may help with your studies as well.And perhap's you would still have time to take a course as well. One thing is for sure you would be helping people in need and that is a very good thing.

    I hope I have helped you and Good luck in whatever choice you meke.


  2. I think  you've answered your own question. Seems to me, you are into  volunteering more than taking classes in the summer. You can also do both just pick the right hours. That way, you get the experience and the learning at the same time. Volunteering could be a bi weekly thing or whichever. Any help towards the community is still a contribution to the society no matter how little you think it is.

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