
Take your Senator/Represenative to work day?

by Guest10985  |  earlier

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Wouldn't it make a good reality show to have our congress walk in the labor force shoes for one day(one week would be even better),including going home and seeing the full day of ordinary people. Would they do it? What jobs would you like to see them do?How could they refuse?




  1. Oh yeah!!!!  Try and live on the salary/and or healthcare benifits of a regular person.....that would be great!!!!!

  2. I think it would be a great deal. Even better would be to force them to live on what we make. One state had their senator live for one month on what the average person made. Then they had to live a week eating what a person on food stamps can afford. I dont remember the state but I think it would be an eye opening experience.  

  3. Mine is from Illinois. He hasn't been to his own job in a while. Elected less than 4 years ago. 143 working days. He has spent more time on a self promoting book tour and his bid for President than he did doing the job he was elected to do! Experience? Yes, he has experience running for office, just not doing the job he was elected to do!

  4. Sweet idea, but I'm sure it wouldn't crack the sky or anything. I'm sure many of them have worked hard for a living in the past and would make tons of comments like, "I remember the days when I was a truck driver" or "I'm a veteran at this" etc.

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