
Takedown drills?

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anybody know of any takedown drills?




  1. In order to get better at takedowns, you have to constantly drill them with a partner.  Where most people go wrong is they drill their takedowns in an unrealistic fashion without resistance.  Your best bet is to get a partner, preferrably someone in your wrestling room or bjj room who knows how to "actively drill."  This means they present different situations for you where they are giving you about 50% resistance and you are "exploding" through your shots/takedowns in a realistic manner.  First and foremost though, you must get your technique and fundamentals down, then keep drilling.  Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.  I was once told by an olympic wrestler that in order to be able to effectively hit a specific takedown on someone in a real situation, you will have to drill it at least 2,000 times.  Keep working at it.  The more you do, the better it will get.  The only "drills" are to drill each move over and over again.  Everyone wants to go live in the room, but its the guy who spends more time drilling that improves the most.

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