
Taken too many pills, now she's sick.?

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A friend of mine took 3 of her moms pain killers last night all over some boy. She is a real tiny girl, 5 foot, 110 lbs. She said this morning when she woke up she felt really sick? How do I help her? Does she need to puke it all up or eat something or just go to the emergency room?




  1. if she took that many and they're strong sounds like she OD (over dosed) she should go to the er and they'll probably pump her stomach...

  2. The best thing would be to get her to the emergancy room to be on the safe said u can never tell with tablets.

    hope she will be ok

    all thebest xox

  3. Medicine is small doses of poison. If you overdose on medicine, you get the poison effect instead of the medicinal effect.  

  4. she should go to the hospital...

  5. Depends on the pain killers, but the sick stomach is probably just a reaction from stressing over this boy.  She would have already had a stronger reaction by now, but to be on the safe side, I recommend taking her to a walk-in or to her FP if possible.

  6. Depending on what she took she should be ok. She is lucky she didn't take any more. It would really help us to know what exactly she took, mg of the pills, etc.

    If it was really bad I believe she would notice alot sooner, depending on the tie last night she took the pills.

    She needs to eat some crackers, 7up, and just kinda of take it easy until they work themselves out of her system.

    If she feels tooweirdd, too sick, hallucinating, pain, rapidheart ratee, etc. then yes she needs to go to emergency asap.

    Make sure you inform your friend how stupid his was and try to be thei for her to calm her down.

    Best of luck.

  7. Most likely they are Tylenol #3.  These have 325 mg of acetominophen and 30 mg of codeine as well as some caffeine in them.

    Some people are very sensitive to codeine.  I know it always makes me nauseous.  She will be fine.  

  8. If she slept and made it through the night already, she is fine. She will probably start to feel sick and maybe throw up, but there is no way that she is in any grave danger right now.

    Maybe she will learn to stop taking too many pills this way if it makes her feel sick!

    But, I wouldn't worry with taking her to the emergency room. They wouldn't pump her stomach. I don't think they could do anything at all, really since so much time as passed and she is still ok.  

  9. if its already been over night, puking it up wont do anything because the pills have most likely dissolved into her system. it depends how sick she feels but if shes not already almost dead then she'll probably be okay if she waits it out. however if it doesnt get better soon, she needs to see a doctor. and she should probably get a therapist to talk to

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