
Taking 7 yr old to Speed Zone.. Help!?

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So, I'm thinking on taking my 7 yr old nephew to Speed Zone (City of Industry, CA) for his birthday.

What r the best days to go, I'm pretty sure weekends are not a good idea, to many people. is Friday morning good?

How expensive is this? I've never been there.

What are the must-not miss ride for a 7 yr old boy?

How long does someone spend there? the whole day?

I might take one of his little friends too, so he doesnt get bored by himself... I now if I'm inviting one of his friends I should pay for him, but is it ok to let the kid pay for something if his parents gave/send him with some money..

Thanks for the help.. I might add some details later




  1. There is a website for Speed Zone. Just use Yahoo and search for it. Most of the questions you asked can be found right there online.

    As to your other questions. It depends on the kid and your relationship with the child. If he is very into his friends then you might want to take another kid, but considering the age, I would also invite a parent to come along.  Yes, you should pay for their admission, water, and meals. Souveniers are NOT your responsibility.

    The best days are usually Monday - Thursday. No holidays of course. Friday is usually busy too as some parents will take off a Friday and get the kids out of school too. Avoid a Monday if the Friday before was a holiday.

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