
Taking Care of Others' Cats?

by Guest60303  |  earlier

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I'm currently taking care of a friends cats for a few days.

I've taken care of these cats before and they're generally very sweet.

One of them seems a little different though. She meows a lot (she never did in previous times), and she seems scared of me. When I sit beside her, sometimes she rushes off and sits at, it seems, an exact distance away, but at other times she is completely okay. Then sometimes when I get up and leave the room she starts walking, but not away from me. Sometimes she waits until I'm closer, then walks a little more, or sometimes she'll stop and I'll wait to see if she wants something, then she'll guide me to the same place she always does, the living room. But in general she seems really scared of me when I come near her.

Sometimes when I pet her (and I do it really gently) she likes it and arches up her back (don't know why.. she always does it though) but now once in a while she will hiss at me.

She eats the treats I give her though which means she is comfortable because she didn't use to when the first couple times I took care of her.

What am I doing wrong or could do differently, and/or what is up with this cat?

The owners also told me that when they came back last time (I couldn't take care of them), the cat looked malnourished and lost weight and just wasn't in good shape, so that may be one of the reasons.





  1. She's trying to figure out why you are there and not her owners? She misses them but trusts you to an extent. Give it a few more days and see how she reacts then. She notices things are different but doesn't understand why. Give her lots of love and attention and it should help.

  2. Most likely she is stressed by her owners leaving, a new person and the change in routine.  Be patient, don't push her and she may warm up in her own time as she gets used to you.  Cat are very much creatures of routine and many don't like changes.

  3. That is probably the cause, as they like structure in their lives.  When I get home on my regular schedule, my cat will be sitting there like a dog waiting for me.  If I'm late she'll chatter like she's upset I've messed around with her schedule.....

    Plus it sounds like the other person didn't take very good care of them while their owners were away.


    And cat's respond to touch as you mentioned.  It's they way they greet us, so it's a positive and good thing.

    You sound like you take great pride in taking care of these cats.  Kudos for you!

  4. most cats will feel stressed being out of their environment. behavior will change in many different ways. even if they are around familiar people. I had my mother take my cat for a few weeks and he lost a lot of weight, licked himself to death, didn't sleep much. don't worry though, it's nothing you're doing wrong.

  5. It sounds like this poor cat is going through withdrawal when the owners go away, and she is trying to make you fill that gap.  She is confused, and wants you to know the exact routine that her owners follow so she will feel better about everything, but of course you don't know it completely, so you do the best you can but unfortunately fall short. Go into the living room and sit in a chair quietly, and see what she does.  She probably sits in someones lap in there.  Try to get the owners to share as much of their routine with you as they can.  Even the simplest things can reassure the cats that all is well.

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