
Taking Krav Maga and another martial art at the same time?

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Is it possible to take Krav Maga classes as well as Aikido or some kind of more traditional art at the same time? Krav Maga really suits my needs, but I really want to learn a Chinese martial art too.




  1. From what I have seen (limited I must admit) many of Krav Maga's techniques come from Aikido and Japanese Ju Jutsu.  The primary difference being in the intense practical application drills used by Krav Maga.

    I have incoorporated many of those drills into my own classes so I can say from my personal experience yes both arts compliment each other and can be trained at the same time.

  2. Yes very possible providing you have the time and interest. Cross-learning of the martial arts can only help your personal self defense goals. You will learn to use what works and discard what does not. Not all martial arts/self defense systems are the end-all, be all.

    Be respectful to each system and be careful to show/demonstrate techniques learned in one system to anther's class time.

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