
Taking Lexapro... still feel depressed and anxious?

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I was on Effexor XR for a few months, then changed to Lexapro because of the side effects. I've been off the Effexor for almost a month, and on purely the Lexapro for close to a month. I've been feeling moody and anxious... could this be from the withdrawal from the Effexor and the fact that the Lexapro hasn't had its full effect yet? I don't know how much longer I can take this....




  1. I never was able to get results from Lexapro. If it is not heling talk to your doctor. When my therapist put me on Zoloft it worked much better. Keep your chin up and remember things WILL get better for you!

  2. idk.

  3. If its not working DONT take it cause the bad outcome from those meds are worse and not addressing your real problem anyhow! read the book Natural cures they dont want you to know about BY Kevin Trudeau I recomend th is book to everyone for alot of stuff! it will give you alot of i nfo on that subject hun!

  4. Please be careful on this medication.  I was also on Effexor and Lexapro - and if you are having any sort of bad thoughts - call your Dr. immediately.  

    I had a bad experience with Effexor - I went into a random suicidal fit and found myself with a knife in the kitchen corner.  Luckily my boyfriend found me and luckily I called the Dr.  

    Sometimes, those pills do the exact opposite of what they're for.  I was then put on a bipolar medication called Tegretol and it was very helpful.  You're Dr. can also try a lower grade anti-anxiety medication as well.

    Good luck and be safe.

  5. Alecia, tell the Dr. that perscribed the Lexapro how you are feeling. It may be they want to try something else. It is very close to the time you should be getting the maximum benefit.. usually 4 to 6 weeks so things should be settling down a bit for you I would think.

  6. HI hun,

    Ive been on lexapro for 5 years. It has worked well for me, however there have been times when it didnt seem to work and i spoke to my doctor and they adjusted the dose which helped.

    You may need a larger or smaller dose of this med so talk with your doc. Also for some people it just doesnt work so I would say talk with your doc maybe try a new dose and if that doesnt work its time to try a new med.

    Good Luck !!!

  7. when i started taking lexapro, my anxiety was actually worse for the first 3 weeks. then, all of a sudden, it went away. i started on 10 mg, where i think i should've started at 5, then maybe i wouldn't have gotten worse. now, i'm on 20 mg and it's pretty much helped. it's been 5 months now. but, i do also take xanax. did your dr. not write you a benzo or similar? that's the only thing that got me through it in the beginning. whatever you do, don't stop taking it. call your doctor and get in for a visit. i'm sorry i know how it feels. good luck.

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