
Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

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My Dr. prescribed me CitraNatal prenatal citamins and I was told to take it daily. The direction states to take it an hour after meal but not with a meal. I keep forgetting to take it on time. Is it okay to take it before meal? Like first thing in the morning?




  1. I think the reason you don't want to take it with a meal is because the calcium in some foods will interfere with the absorbtion of the iron in the prenatal.

    So you want to take it an hour before or after having food.

  2. It's probably fine.  The reason most of the prenatal vitamins suggest to take it a little while after you eat is to prevent you from vomiting.  In early pregnancy many women have a hard time keeping down the vitamins, and taking it before a meal can make you nauseous, and taking it too soon after a meal can make you vomit.  With my prenatal vitamins they only suggest that it be taken at that time to prevent any morning sickness issues.  It's better to take it at the wrong time of the day than not to take it at all!

  3. my dr. told me to take it when ever i could that it wouldnt make me sick

  4. give you Dr. a call and ask if they cant answer you right away ask them to call you back i was impressed with my Dr.'s office they are pretty good about answering questions, it is good to ask when dealing with perscriptions

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