
Taking Vitamin B6 without Overdosing?

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Can I take 100mg of B6 a day without overdosing?

Also, whats the limit. Like can I take 200mg a day without overdosing within time, or can i take 300mg a day without O.Ding





  1. "The Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper intake level for B6 at 100 mg per day from food and supplements combined. However, the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals in the United Kingdom established a safe upper limit from supplements at 10 mg per day -- one-tenth the U.S. limit.

    A recent case study reported that a woman developed serious neuropathy from taking 100 mg per day for 10 years. So the level of intake for long-term safety is likely lower than the U.S. upper limit of 100 mg."

    Why do you want to take such heavy doses?  I take 50 mg per day to help regrow nerves damaged in an accident, on a doctor's prescription.  It is working fine at that level.

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