
Taking a Computer and IT course during the summer holidays?

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I am short-sighted. Should I still wear my glasses at the computer? And how can i avoid making my eyesight worse and getting eyestrain and developing dry eye syndrome during this course?





  1. Basic nearsighted prescriptions are way too overcorrected for up close. The best option for a lot of work up close is a 20/80 prescription. If you can see the computer screen at 18 inches comfortably with out you prescriptions then definitely do without.

    People with artificial corrections(glasses, contacts) already have a certain amount of eyestrain automatically in their vision system. Watch out for increased strain and tension. Learn about Natural Eyesight Improvement so you can recognise the incorrect vision habits and avoid them and reintegrate the correct vision behaviors. I have several of the best resources of books and websites and local NEI teachers on my website.

    You can avoid dry eyes by learning about proper blinking, breathing, and yawning. Avoid becoming dependant upon artificial tears.

  2. Have the resolution set to 800x600 and make the icon larger... this will help you from straining to read small text and icons.

    Also you could the 'Magnify' Tool under Applications to view small text etc

  3. Also, the best tip is to take breaks.  Don't stare at the screen for long periods of time without blinking.  Every so often look up and look out a window or anywhere that is distant.

  4. Take breaks and use Hypromellose.  See Tip No. 2 on the site given below.

    It does work, I tried it.  

    Best of luck.

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