
Taking a baby to a cruise in the caribbean, how easy?

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We are taking Sovereign of the Seas for a 4 day cruise July 2007. Baby is 7 month old. How do you sterelize the bottle in the room specially for the midnight feeding? How you you give her food and not make a mess in the room? What food should I bring? (she usually eats smashed potatos with smashed meat or smashed pumpkin with smashed chicken) Do you take the stroller on board? Do you take her bumbo seat? Any suggestions on how to organize the trip?

Thanks a lot




  1. I agree with the ones who say why bother?? You are going to make much more work for yourself, and you won't be able to fully enjoy it.

    But if you already have it booked and MUST take your baby, I suggest going as simple as possible, bare necessities and a few comforts you know your baby can't be without. Take the basics because half of the things you bring you probably won't even use. (extra seats, carriers, toys, etc.)

    Remember: women used to raise babies outside in the rain without anything. lol You can do it on a cruise ship :)  Just try not to get overwhelmed. :)

    Hope this helps :) Have a great time on the cruise!

  2. We will be taking a baby with us on our cruise later this year and he will be 12 months old. Yes I think it is going to be difficult but I wouldnt want to leave him. He is family and I want him to be on our "family" trip.

    If you didnt go on a cruise but went somehere different in a hotel you would have the same scenario, how to prepare food etc ... if anything I think a crusie is better as there are more things to do there than just in a hotel. We thought about the pro's and cons and we thought if we stay in a hotel there is usually only 1 bar/ entertainment room where as on a cruise there are quite a few, some are noisy which you may not want to take your baby in so he/she can settle better and some are quiet where you and your husband can have a quiet drink together whilst the baby sleeps (hopefully) We also said we wouldnt venture outside a hotel (dependant on where we were) for safety reasons.

    We have cruised before and found the crew really helpful. I have no doubt it will be difficult but I dont think it will be anymore difficult than any other holiday. The ship will be huge so there are plenty of things for you to do.

    Good Luck!

  3. On carnival cruises, Children's programs actually start at the age of 2 years, not three.  Also, I don't know about Royal Caribbean, but Carnival offers babysitting services for children under two (although there is an additional per/hour fee.)

    I have been on 3 cruises, and have seen several infants.  I love kids (I am a preschool teacher/nanny) , so I talked to alot of the parents.  Most of the parents did regret bringing the babies with them.  Initially they felt they should be together as a family, but later realized that it really did kind of slow the vacation down (or put it to a halt) having the baby with them.

    If you do choose to take the baby, try to take some extra money in order to have some time alone for you and hubby, and hire a sitter on board.  Or, if your finances allow, consider taking your babysitter/mother's helper with you.  I know that if one of the families I babysat for told me that they would pay for my trip if I would watch the child most of the time (but still have some free time to enjoy, also!), I would go without asking for any additional money.  (Although some sitters feel you should pay for the trip AND pay them for their time!)  I realize this would add to the cost of the trip, but it would give you some alone time with your spouse, and leave your baby in the hands of someone you know and trust.

    As a side note, the tap water on Carnival is put through an extensive filtering process, and is more purified (or as purified) as bottled water.  There is no need to bring bottled water with you.  Check if this is also true with Royal Caribbean.

  4. Maybe this is not what you wanted to hear but here goes: Convince Grandma to watch the child!

    Kids under 3 years old can not take part in the children's programs. You have the child at all times and if going to dining rooms, shows, etc., kids (though no fault of their own) get bored easily and annoy everyone else with the crying. YOU will not enjoy the cruise either since you will be too worried about the child. Plus the child that age doesn't remember anything so why take them (and you are paying for them.

    Grandparents who love their grandkids will be delighted to help out for a week (if possible) and spoil the child. This way everyone wins. You, the child, grandma and the other passengers on the ship.

    That's what I tell my clients.

  5. I agree with the poster above me, if at all possible, find someone who'd be willing to babysit your child. I'm planning for my first cruise - and I just can't imagine trying to bring a baby! Your child isn't going to remember or really enjoy this trip. And I think as new parents, you two should go out alone and have a relaxing time together to reconnect.

  6. <  Back to Onboard Policies

    Onboard Policies

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    Q:  What items are not allowed onboard the cruise ship?

    A:  Aside from the obvious (and illegal) items not allowed onboard, there are other items we cannot accommodate onboard.

    Prohibited items:  Bicycles



    Hockey sticks

    Personal alcohol

    HAM radio equipment

    THis is waht it says you can't have onboard and I know on carnival you can rent strollers

  7. We went on a cruise too.  It was tough with all the formula, and the suitcase full of diapers.

    Take the stroller on board.  Our airport did not allow car seats to pass, only strollers.  Drive your stroller directly to your airplane, where the steward/ess will take it for you, and return it when you leave the plane.  Bring it with you onboard your ship, and take it with you everytime you dock.  The workers will carry it for you up and down the stairs, if there are any.

    Who cares about making a mess in the room, you pay for it.  They are there to please you and help you every step of the way, to make sure you enjoy your cruise.  Ask for extra towels, and put one on the floor before the feedings, if you prefer.  You have to pay for bottled water, so bring your own, if you need to make formula.  Our room was supplied with a fridge, so we just took the bottle out, ready made.  We brought a bottle brush and our own liquid soap to wash bottles in the bathroom.  At the restaurant, we only went to the buffet, and asked the chef to prepare something different for the baby.  Every lunch time and supper time, we did the same.  It took only ten minutes, and the baby had the food.  They will prepare anything you want, any time you want.  Just ask them firmly.  If you want, take some baby food jars, already prepared, just in case, or for the days when you're docked and visiting another island.

    It's really not any more work than you'd do at home.  If anything, you'll have nothing to cook, and no mess to clean.  So, take lots of pictures of your baby's first trip, and, enjoy!

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