
Taking a break during a deployment?

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My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for 4 years. Since the summer of last year we have been “on” and happier than ever. He is stationed far away but we travel at least once a month to spend time together, talk on the phone, text, IM, and other things each day. Recently he was deployed, throughout his deployment we seemed to be getting closer, we talked all day and night via IM and on the phone as much as possible.

I know his job is extremely stressful and recently he was put on special missions which made his deployment even more stressful. He's at a point in his life where he has to make very stressful decisions which will drastically change our lives. When he returned from a recent extended assignment he asked me how I would feel if we take a break from our relationship while he searches for clarity/answers to many of the situations he has make choices about.

I was completely thrown for a loop...I was already an emotional wreck dealing with his deployment and now, I'm so confused as to how I'm suppose to feel or react this...part of me says he's really stressed from his environment and the deployment on top of our real world issues he is still trying to handle...then there is a side of me that says, maybe he really might want to end our relationship...any thoughts or suggestions on how to handle this?




  1. I think you are going to have to give him his space right now.  He is dealing with things you can't imagine and he is doing his best to sort through lots of things.  Keep up your love and support - just not as much as before - and hopefully he will realize what a good thing he has going for him in you.  If he really loves you he will come back.  Sometimes the answer is wait a while instead of yes.

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