
Taking a connecting flight from an airport shd u worry about your luggage or will itb transfered to the next 1

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Taking a connecting flight from an airport shd u worry about your luggage or will itb transfered to the next 1




  1. Your luggage is usually forwarded to your final destination, unless you are on a planned multi-destination trip.  Best bet would be to call the airline before you go to the airport and ask, any representative should be able to look up the information for you.

  2. If the 1st flight and 2nd flight are with the same airline, they will transfer it for you.  If they are with different airlines, it depends on if the two airlines have an agreement with each other to transfer it.

    But, if you are having to go through customs in the connecting airport, you will have to get your luggage regardless of which airline(s) you are flying.

  3. transferred to the next flight?

    We can hope it does! but worrying won't gain you anything.

    Take one night's worth of stuff in your carryon, so that if it gets lost, you have a day to hope it finds it way to you, and usually they do.

  4. if ur just tarnsferin from a flight to another to get where u want to go then u shoudlnt worry about the luggages i mean like if ur goin to new york from florida and u have to switch planes in atl dont worry about the lugages but if its from one country to another then u shud ask someone in the airport

    have a safe trip

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