
Taking a gap year- good or bad?

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im finishing high school this year (yesss!) and im starting to feel like i need something out of my life. all i do is work hard and study and al i get in return is a result- just a number. i want something more out of my work before i go to uni! any suggestions? do you think i should go straight to uni?




  1. um...letz see depends on how old you are...if you're comparitively young then it might help you if you have a definite idea as to what you wanna do during the gap year. if you have no idea or you're unable to come up with a solid, useful plan....then just go to Uni..  

  2. Gap year:

    You could forget the things you learnt, but it could be good for you to get away.

    No gap year:

    You go straight into it and get it over and done with, but you don't get a gap year and can't just relax.

  3. I read a study that showed that people that took a year off actually had hiring college graduation rates than people that jumped in immediately.  If you don't WANT to go directly to college then it will show in your performance and you will become a statistic... a burned out statistic.  I don't remember where I read that, but you can Google it to make sure I'm giving you accurate info.

    This is long but go down to the employment rates and it shows that gappers with a college degree have a higher employment rate  than non-gappers with a college degree.  Don't know if it means anything since this is from 2003, but it's a very informative study.

  4. Depends on if your likely to retur to uni after a gap year you might like money to much and not go back and then regret it later, on the other hand i agree with needing a break i finished school last year and went straight to uni this year i don't regret it but im doing teaching and i will 21 when i start and i don't know if i'll be ready so it depends how  soon you want your degree and how much control you will have to go back, i find uni doesn't have much contact hours so you could probably work full time and earn heaps and do uni part time that way you will go back to full time uni when you want to

  5. Go for it!  

  6. Lots of people take a year off and get stuck not going back do it now while you are young and have the motivation. Besides its best to get things done sooner than later. Also its must harder to start school again when your out for awhile you are already in study mode keep it that way you'll have plenty of time to take off later.  

  7. Everyone told me not to take time off school because I would wind up not going back.  But I did it anyway.  I really enjoyed having the time off and by the time the fall came around I discovered that I actually missed school (who knew?) I went back and I'm finishing my bachelors this year.

    If you feel like you need to take a break, then do it!

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