
Taking a long trip with a 14 month old?

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We are going to Kansas from North Texas. We are staying in a hotel for a week. We are driving, but we are doing it over night when the baby is going to be asleep anyway. My question is: does anyone have any tips, tricks, reminders, things they wish some one had told them, or really great ideas concerning this trip or staying in a hotel or traveling with a small child??? I haven't taken a trip this long or stayed in a hotel this long in a really long time. And never with a toddler. I am a little nervous!!




  1. Take along enough healthy snacks just in case, It may be night, but being in a car bubs wont have the sleep like they would if in their beds. Lots of drinks also, especially if its hot. Ample enough stops if bubs is awake for nappy changes.

    Take a bag with toys, some of your bubs favorites.

  2. Be sure to tell the hotel when you make your reservations that a baby will be staying with you and that you would appreciate it if they could provide a crib AND a play pen.  While most hotels are very good about this, you may think you don't want to put the baby into the play pen, but if you are busy, say getting dressed or something like that, the play pen gives you a 'totally safe area' for the baby.  Take no more than five favorite toys, and buy your baby new ones, as souvenirs of this first trip.  MAKE SURE the baby gets a good nap every day (NOT in a stroller, but in the crib) and you take one too.  Toddlers can be lots of fun on a long trip ... but if you want to go out and leave the baby with a 'sitter' PLEASE be sure the sitter is trustworthy ... some cities have '24 hour daycare' services, and these are the BEST places to leave your baby IF you can look around and see where the baby will be, and can call and 'check' when you are out.

  3. Good luck on the sleeping while driving part. My daughter was 16 months, and we live in Southeast Texas, and my parents in Oklahoma "8-9 hour drive". We left at 3 in the morning so that she would sleep through the trip, and it didn't happen... She was awake from the time we put her in the car until we got to the hotel at which point she finally took a nap. Bring along a playpen for the little one to sleep in, and try not to stress over it.. Kids will be kids, and even if she/he doesn't sleep in the car he/she will sleep that night. If you can afford it look for a room with a door parting the bed area from the sitting area if possible "suit". My daughter goes to bed at 8, and having a door to shut while we sat up a little longer was perfect for everyone. Stop often and check her/his diaper, and be sure to have an ice chest on hand with milk, and drinks for the adults. Best of Luck.. i really hope your little one sleeps for the trip.

  4. bring lots of books and colorful toys....try to plan a few stops at a park along the way so the little one can run and blow off steam. bring lots of music and if you have a dvd player bring along children's shows or movies to keep them busy. pre cut apples and carrots for snack times, juice boxes and raisins...

    hope the trip goes well.

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