
Taking a parking space?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a crowded parking structure. Spaces were scare, I noticed a guy pulling out and a truck at the end of the lane right next to the car. But I could just pull straight in. So I did. I park and they honk and me and I ignore them.

But instead of driving off and swearing, the lady comes up to my door and then starts demanding that I move my car, holds onto the door so I can't get out and starts vaguely threatening me and will not let me get out and says that I "stole" her "space". She said she had been waiting for the spot for a long time (thereby blocking traffic and its a large truck that you can't see behind, making people go around them and into opposing traffic). I thought they were being thoughtless so they deserved some too. That was not nice of me (I admit it) but here's the question: Do you think her response to my actions was appropriate? Would you have gotten out of the car to yell at and threaten me over a parking space?




  1. I agree with you totally . I have the same issye with parking at my house I have only on street parking  and to make matters worse live rightnext door to a hospital and all thier visitors who don't want to pay to park , park in front of my building . I would do the same thing , and I have, but never got that psycho reaction.

  2. im not sure what the question was,

    but i think you were very mature about it, and they were very immature.

    i think you did the right thing

  3. If you knew that a vehicle was already waiting for a specific parking space, YOU were in the wrong for pulling in ahead of her.  It's just common courtesy that the first person waiting for a space is the one who gets to park there.

    It wasn't a good idea for that lady to confront you.  But YOU committed the first wrong by taking the space that you already knew she was waiting for.

    The next time you take someone's space, you may not be so lucky.  Do you really want to p*ss off some wacko who may just decide to follow you home?  How about when you have kids?  Do you want some wacko following you and YOUR BABY home?  Do you really want to teach your kids that it's okay to be rude to strangers?

    Next time, pass up the space someone else is already waiting for.  Your doctor is going to be late anyway, and the extra minute that you need to find a space isn't going to affect your appointment.

  4. Your lucky they were just yelling at you in some places

    they would have pulled out a gun and poppe you a cap.

    Problem solved. I dont like this when it happened to me and with road rage going on all over specially on a hot day

    or you come up on a loony crazy or a gang of fools in a car

    and they pile out on your tail and beat you to death I say

    find another spot and move out let the hot head take what he feels he deserved though not right better than dead.

    Believe me I still cant forget hearing of the guy with 7 kids

    that had a run away cart in a toy store parking lot the cart

    just bumped the other drivers car door driver side and the

    goot out and killed him one shot in the forehead and he had three of his seven kids in the car he was loading their christmas presents. Now I ask you is it worth the cap in the forehead or did you think of this possibility Trouble is you dont know who your dealing with today they might rightly

    get out and got asylum on you. My life and family are worth more than such pettyness. It aint right its what might is right.

    Unless you carry heavy gat or a missle launcher better back up your choice to take a cap. Call police to cool the hothead

    nextime hit the local police dispatch desk local number on

    fastdial and pray they dont shoot thruthe glass as your dialing.

    cheers make good choices and live long to prosper.

  5. Of course her response was inappropriate.  You've gotta be more careful.  Nut jobs manage to get driver's licenses too, ya know.  You're lucky she didn't do more (even if what she did was bad enough).

  6. No it was out of line absolutely.. and you have a concience.. another person would pull in an empty parking space. and first there .. that person is entitled to the space.. that is the real world now.... she does have no reservation for that parking space. she can try elsewhere..  she exaggerated the whole problem.. I am sure there were othe spaces but some people are too lazy to walk that little bit farther to get to a mall or anywhere.. There are just no reservations..  if she had been a handicapped lady. .then i would have given up the space to her without a second word but like this.. no... who knows she was waiting.. this is a world where everybody unfortunately looks out for nr. 1.. people are competitive and I am sure had the situation been reversed.. she would have told you ''Not on your life and '' get lost'' so I don't feel sorry for her..  Nothing justifies such an outburst of anger...  xx

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