
Taking a trip from illinois to kansas, help find out how much money I will need for gas...

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Ok in two months im taking a trip. I live in springfield Ill and am going to wichita kansas. I have an idea about how much money ill need for gas, but I need another opinion.

I have a 95 ford mustang with a v6 3.8 engine. The trip one way is 510 miles. And 8 hrs not sure how many mpg my car gets, but so far im coming up with a little over $100 one way...can anyone help me figure this out?




  1. Round trip it will be about $157 the best thing that you can do is use this website it is awesome!

    It lets you put in the make and model of your car then takes the average price of gas and the average miles per a gallon that your car gets and gives you an estimate of how much it is going to cost.  We just used it to plan a trip in our Mustang and it was almost dead on it was only off by like $5.00.  Have a great trip!

  2. Your car should get between 19 and 24 mpg. Worst case you are going to spend around 100 bucks each way if you figure gas is $3.85 a gallon.

  3. You gota know mpg hun.

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