
Taking a trip to canada......what are the best places to see?

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it's a trip to cleanse the soul....




  1. a hockey game : )

  2. Toronto, stay in the hotel at the Toronto Jays stadium and catch a ball game

  3. The Yukon Territory - spectacular scenery, very friendly people.  You can find places here that are so peaceful you'll hear nothing but the birds singing.

  4. depends on what will cleanse your soul....the mountians in the west the vast praries, the rocky shores of the atlantic coast. Canada is truely a wonder to see and travel across.

  5. cn tower, wonderland, the royal ontairio museum, hockey hall of fame? china town and the roger centre <<(skydome)

    all i can think of at the moment

  6. It depends where you are going and what you'd like to see.  If you are a lover of mountains/parks nature etc.  Any of the National Parks.  Search the Parks Canada website for a list. (May I recommend Banff National park.  GORGEOUS) They also have passes you can buy so if you are travelling across the country it's great to get because National Parks charge admission (for maintanence and such).  If you are into History any of the National Historic sites are awesome.  Fort George is my favourite, but I may be a LITTLE bias since I work there. haha.  But it is a place where so many of Canada's greatest inspirational leaders once resided.  It is located in Niagara on the Lake which is a gorgeous little town.  Very old town with great boutiques and restaurants.  They also have some of the world's best wineries if you are into that.

    Quebec City is amazing as well,  Oldest city in Canada.  Celebrating their 400th anniversary this year, in fact.  I was just there recently and it is gorgeous.  Look up Montmorency Falls, gorgeous little area for a picnic.

    Edmonton, Alberta has the world's largest mall.  Some fun things to do in there.

    Vancouver is setting up for the 2010 Olympics and some great things going on there.

    On the East Coast, there is a gorgeous little island (the province of Prince Edward Island)  It's great for a week away from it all.  As well as Nova Scotia, if you are interesting in the Titanic, they have the cemetary where most were buried and some very interesting tomb stones.  There is the Citadil which is amazing there.  Some great lobster.  Peggy's Cove is always a nice little trip out of the cities.

    There is always the normal tourist things too, like Niagara Falls, which the falls are amazing but the city has built up so much it feels like walking down the vegas strip at night (with the lights not the gambling and drinking. haha).  Then there's Toronto: the CN tower, some great shopping on Younge St.  The hockey hall of fame, the Royal Ontario Museum is great, Science Centre is fun for all ages (even though it is geared towards children I still enjoy it).  

    I hope this helps.  If there's anything else, I am in the tourism industry so please feel free to email me or add me to MSN and I would be more than happy to help you figure it all out.

  7. Recently, on a popular trans-Canada radio program, the (travelling) host said that, in his opinion, Canada's most beautiful stretch of highway is between Smithers and Prince Rupert, British Columbia.  Even more so than the Banff-Jasper section or anything in the Maritimes.  (He hasn't been torn apart by an angry mob, and that's one thing about Canadians. No, that's just not a Canadian thing to do!)

    When I must commute, that's the road I drive.

    We have plenty of nothing (except blackflies). No cell phone reception (only 6% of the world like that, I understand). No street people; no sidewalks. When I was in a pickle, the mechanic lent me his car. No muggers. We pretty much all know each other, and no one in their right mind would come here in order to become a mugger! I've chosen to have a small grand piano instead of a TV. If you go a short way out of town, there's very little light pollution, and the stars are as you never would have believed them.

    It felt strange to stop consulting a watch every few minutes.  Then the hours became approximate, and the sun was the sign. Now, I use the calendar to remember when the Book Bus comes next.

    Bon voyage!

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