
Taking another poll...your personal 8-ball strategy?

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So you're on the 8 and your opponent has one ball left (or more)...Do you personally think about what kind of shot you'll be leaving your opponent if you miss or do you concentrate only on making the ball? If it depends on the situation, let me know what factors play into your decision. I know what I do; I'm curious about you guys.




  1. depends on how good you think your opponent is? ;-)

  2. Well, with your additional info, I do have a better response.  Although the traditional wisdom is to play the table, not the opponent, this really defies logic.  For example, Julie Kelly once made a statement about her opponent Karen Corr.  Julie stated that she was playing more offensively because she knew that she would lose a safety battle with Karen.  By this logic, I will take the opponent into account when playing what I would consider a difficult shot.  Although, I don't like to make big distinctions between "easy" and "hard" shots, the truth is that some shots are just a higher percentage than others.  You need to decide on your shot and to accept it.  If you're thinking about all of the "what if's" than you really haven't accepted the shot.  The key is be honest with yourself and your abilities.  I only get nervous when my expectations don't match with the outcome.  When playing a strange player, I try never to assume that I'm going to win or lose.  Of course, I want to win.  My motivation is to just play each shot the best that I can.  Sometimes I'll watch an opponent and I'll notice that they never play safe, they always try to pocket a ball.  Often, I'll try to leave them a difficult shot or one that doesn't allow them to get shape on their next shot.  It depends on several factors.  How am I feeling at the time?  Am I in my stroke?  Do I know how skillful and knowledgeable my opponent is?  8-ball is a really great game for the variety of ways that a player can approach a table.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  3. If I'm on the eight and my opponent has balls left on the table I approach it just like any other shot. If I have a high percentage shot I just concentrate on making my ball and what I need to do with the cue ball if anything. The fact that it's the money ball I'm shooting doesn't even come into play. If I have a very low percentage or tough shot I may think about leaving him as tough as possible or basically playing a two way shot. Playing a safety is usually out of the question if I only have the 8 ball left on the table unless it's close enough to the rail to tap and hide behind. I really hate it when they do that to me though. lol

  4. If your not 80% sure shoot a safe shot -Rem a ball in hand is 99% of the time a winning shot

    either would be a winner but if not sure play safe

  5. Hard to really picture your question....from the end of the information I would take it to mean that you are in a much lower level ability then I would have guess......"leaving it easiest for yourself" is the statement that makes me think of myself when I first started playing....if this is right and you are playing someone in like ability...."what different does it make".....go for it and see if he can run out his two plus the 8 if you miss....but I truly think that you just worded it wrong and you are a much better player.....if the shot is really that tough and assuming that your opponent is also talented then you better go for it anyway.....if you miss with the intent of "d-up"...then guess what? ....he has two balls to "d-up" in a much better position then you can.....I would say just to go for it.......not a "spookier" feeling to get a bad lay on the 8 and your opponent has 1 or several balls still on the table....on your last ball prior to the 8.....always get the absolute best position that you can get on the eight......"no matter" how hard the "get"  to this position or you will just keep asking this question hoping someone will have the magic answer....."you have to go for it....that is the answer!"......I know easy to say and hard to do....that is why we are here asking and answering and not on TV!

  6. There is no ifs, and, or buts, about it you make the shot. If you are thinking, well if I miss it, what will I leave him, then you got no business playing, because you are not sure of yourself is what it comes down to . make the shot, and with authority.

    EDIT-I am talking about within reason, but you didn't say how hard the shot is, you are only worrying about what you leave him!, Wrong.


    You can go for the shot, and still leave him safe, yes you do think that it's the money ball, and if that bothers you, then you are a choker

  7. If I've got a relatively clean shot, I'm concentrating only on the 8. If I don't have a clear shot and/or I need to be extra careful about a scratch, I'll be thinking more about my opponent's next shot.

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