
Taking baby's temperature via an underarm thermometer?

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If you use an underarm thermometer to take your baby's temperature, do you need to adjust the reading at all (like a degree up or down)?




  1. Axillary method... & you add a degree.

  2. No, you tell the doctor what the temperature you saw was and say "under his arm". Never adjust the temperature reading yourself.

  3. I could be wrong (and can't check it at work b/c nearly every other website is blocked.. grrr) .. but it is not as accurate, and will show the temperature... 2 - 3 degrees (maybe a bit more) lower than what it actually is.

    Rectal thermometer is the most accurate (but let's face it - who REALLY wants to do that to their child?) ... then an inner ear one. I've seen the forehead thermometers, but don't know too much about those.

    I tried taking my son's temp under the arm once... riiiiight... he fought me so bad it wasn't even funny! Of course, he was a lot younger. Now, he'd probably look at me like I was stupid if I tried it.

  4. read the box it will say

    help me:

  5. we always add a degree  

  6. No, it's a very effective and accurate way of measuring their temp.

  7. up but i suggest getting an ear thermometer

  8. just a point. i see lots of moms say rectal temp is good way to take it but in uk they don't do that, at home or in hospital. they recommend an ear one. rectal tissue in a child or baby is very delicate and it is very easy to cause damage without even realising it.

    i have an underarm one and i would suggest you take his temp a good few times when you are pretty sure he is ok. that way you get an idea of what his baseline is and any rises in temp can be judged from that. plus, if he has a temp he will feel hot as well.

    oh and apparently babies are hotter in the evening, dunno why and I haven't checked it with jacob, but a gp told us that one.

  9. Add a degree.  Anal you subtract a degree.  Forhead you do nothing.  I know this probably is not what you want to hear, but the only accurate way I can get Emma's temp is rectally....

  10. i was always told by doctors and the first aide class i took that you add a degree when taking under the arm . rectal temps are acurrate , and mouth temps you got to go down a point.  

  11. You want to adjust it about 2 degrees up. It should give you instructions with the thermometer.  

  12. My under-arm thermometer says on the box to add 5degrees to have an accurate reading.  That's a celsius thermometer so if you are using farenheit I'm not sure how many degrees to add.

  13. add a degree.

  14. I don't think so but I was always told the best way to tell a baby's temp is rectally. I remember when Tyler was about a year old he felt really hot, I took his temp rectally and it was 104.5. I gave him Tylenol and rushed him to Children's Hospital. They didn't do a d**n thing! They re-took his temp and it was 105.5. They gave him some Motrin. They said it becomes dangerous when its over 106.0 I was absolutely dumbfounded!! It started to drop and we took him home.

    I found the best way to cool them down is some medicine and a cool bath.

    EDIT: Maybe you do. I have a few of those forehead thermometers, they work pretty good.

  15. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to add a degree to the temp you get from the underarm....

  16. They say to add one degree if you take it under the arm. That's the method I always use too.  

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