
Taking ballet lessons, to scared to go inside a danced store?

by  |  earlier

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im a older boy early 20's im having to take ballet lessons, and my mom is telling me to go to the dance stores and look around get fitted for leotard and tights and slippers and every time i drive there i sit in front of the door, i cant even go inside im so embarrassed its like everything in there is so girly and pink, im afraid someone will see me and im afraid of what the girls inside will think of me?




  1. girls in dance will adore the guys in dance to(:

    trust me i'd knoww. haha

    just be really funny about everything, & don't be shy to go

    in at all. if you are get some guy friends to come in.

  2. I don't understand why you keep asking these silly, disingenuous questions.  You are obviously a liar as your many other "questions" prove.

      These people are answering you, out of kindness, thinking you are asking a sincere legit question...

      You should be ashamed of yourself.


  3. Chris, you're not interested in ballet. You've got a cross-dressing fetish where your aim is to feel embarrassed:;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...

    How about you stop using this category of Yahoo Answers to get your jollies and seek your pleasure elsewhere?

  4. No worries. Its NOT that girly. I actually think its pretty attractive for a guy who is comfortable with their sexuality to walk into a dance store. Just don't act girly and no one will think you are.

    If you're that worried and can't get over it, measure yourself or get measurements from a trusted tailor/friend/someone and go on or any other dance websites and order it.

    The best guy dancers I've seen in professional companies are often NOT g*y. My biggest celebrity/professional person crush is a ballet dancer at ABT. I definitely have never thought he was g*y OR girly. Its the way you carry yourself. If you act metro, people might think you're "girly" but if you act like your normal self, no one is going to think "girly".

    It's attractive for a straight guy to be a dancer and to be comfortable enough to walk into a girly pink dance store.

    Just don't start shopping for girl stuff. And get some store help so that you don't accidentally peruse girl stuff in attempts to find male dance clothing/shoes.

  5. Guys don't have to wear leotards in ballet. And chances are...for ballet won't have to wear tights. Most just require black pants of some sort that you can move around in really well. Then black or white ballet slippers.

    Why do you HAVE to take ballet? You're in your 20's. Shouldn't you have a say what you do and what you don't do?

  6. Well if someone see's you inside the store then they can't really take the mic as their there too!If your serious about ballet just go for it its amazing :) Look at Billy Elliot.Type 'Leon Cooke Electricity' into youtube and watch the dancing this should inspire you to do anything. Just don't think about it walk into the shop and ask for what you need to buy.Thats less embarassing then your mom doing it for you! Lots of boys wear balck tracksuits ect. in ballet.Look at George Sampson too. What do girls think of him?And he dances...

  7. Dont worry about it one bit. Most girls have guys at their dance studios who do a perfectly fine job so its not big deal. My friend Eric dances with me and hes awesome. You don't need a leotard or tights, just plain black pants, and a black tee-shirt. for shoes, probably black ballet slippers with socks. The people in there are experienced and have most likely had guys come into the store.  

  8. Dont be afraid hon beause those girls probably have seen people way different that you. Im sure your better looking than any of those girls

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