I recently got two pygmy goats from my uncle, and I need a little advice on how to properly care for them. On my farm we have cows and chickens, but I've never had goats before. Right now we're in the process of building a goat-proof pen because they're so small they just slip through the barbed wire on the cow pen, and they also have an amazing ability to climb.
How much feed does a goat need to eat every day? I know that if a donkey eats too much corn they'll die, are goats the same way? Also, around here we have a major problem with bobcats. I've never had to worry about bobcats messing with our cows because the cows are so big, but the little goats are tiny. We a have two donkies that keep coyoties from hurting the calves, but will a donkey run off a bobcat? Seriously, my neighbor's three cats were eaten by bobcats, so you can imagine why I'm so concerned.
And can anyone tell me why the billygoat pees in his beard? I've never seen an animal do that before it's really gross.