
Taking down an aggressive subject to the floor?

by  |  earlier

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hi........what is the best way to takedown an agressor to the floor ? help please!





  1. For an "aggressive subject" I would not want to TAKE HIM DOWN...

    Either incapacitate him or force his retreat.

    "Taking someone down," to my way of thinking, implies going down with him. This is a bad idea.

  2. Depends..How is he attacking? Is the threat serious or just a stumbling drunk? Is he a friend or a stranger? Are you afraid for your life?

    The situation will dictate the response, and quite honestly how hard you put them down. I am assuming you are mening taking down and controlling, not knocking out.

  3. People seriously either read too much into the questions, or don't read the questions at all.

    If your subject is an AGGRESSOR as you say, there are many ways to take him down but there are no magic bullet techniques that will work 100% of the time - it depends on his angle of attack, his speed, size and strength.

    However, GENERAL rules do apply:

    1) Never meet charging force with force...if he has enough momentum he will knock you down.

    2) Deflect his momentum using proper timing/body angling mechanics.

    3) Take advantage of his weight distribution - Take him down in the direction his body is ALREADY leaning. This way you're using 60% of his strength and only 40% of your own (in theory).

    4) Stick to high-probability takedowns such as sweeps, trips, and reaps - "throws" are too risky in self defense situations.

  4. A swift kick in the gonads!!!

  5. Reverse a punch of theirs into a legsweep. My favourite thing to do is to leg sweep but keep hold of the arm then you can go to an arm bar or roll them over into a hammerlock.

  6. There are many ways to take a man down .. depends on the situation ... If he attacks , you can usually use his weight and momentum against him ..

  7. if it's a man kick em in tha Nutz

  8. There are a couple ways. One obvious was is either the guillotine choke. If you can't get your arms properly placed, then you can kind of bear hug them however you can, put all your weight on them, and drive their head to the ground. You do this by grabbing them as they charge, sprawling your legs behind you in a good base, and leaning into them. It does not feel good when someone does this because all the weight is driving their neck to the ground.

    If they throw a "haymaker punch" (wild throw from the side), you can duck with your arm protecting your head, get to the back, lock your hand, and then take them down after they calm down.

    The key, as is done in jiu-jitsu, is to wear the person out in a safe position. Then you take them down or attempt to submit them.

  9. Hit them in the Cynatic nerve or sweep them.

  10. i would just lock up his joints so he cant do anything untill he decides its not worth fighting anymore

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