
Taking from whites is not a crime in South Africa?

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I don't usually post things like this, but articles like this is the reason my faith in South Africa is deteriorating by the day. I'm not sure when this article was published, but a friend mailed it to me today.

Your views please ?




  1. Whites may have taken fron Africa but look what we gave back.

  2. It's dumb to think that because whites took advantage of a situation before, that it gives us the right for reparations.  My country got overthrown by "whites"; killed in several wars, built railroads for "whites"'s the the f are you suppose to move towards the future when you keep the past in front of you?

  3. This is scary and if the "leaders" are saying this what hope is there for our country. While there are still people like that around and saying these things, whites will forever be blamed for apartheid - even in 50 years.

  4. Another ignorant native savage, sickening.

    One can't really feel much anger regarding his actions, lack of intellect or atrocious behaviour, he is after all an unevolved primate and is merely behaving in a natural manner for the common golliwog.

    **** him, in 10 years he will starve to death when the white population has inevitably shrunk below levels necessary to benevolently support these ungrateful and incredulous b******s.

  5. We might as well start a world wide charity organization to assist South Africans in getting the h**l out of there. It is just a matter of time before people are going to have to run for their lives. We must stop fooling ourselves, things are going from bad, to worse to catastrophic.

  6. Reading the article, I wonder if the fool realise that goats, chickens and sheep are not indigenous to Africa. So how could the white man have stolen these animals from the natives when they are the ones that brought them to Africa.

  7. It makes my blood boil when I see things like this, not to mention some of the idiotic comments made here.

    How I wish I had the money to leave this country! These bloody morons don't realise that they don't have the brains to run this country on their own. Just one example is Eskom. No white engineers, now look what's happening. With white brainpower leaving this country it's going backwards by the day. And I'm not interested to hear that they did not have a chance to be educated. They have schools and colleges, but they keep burning the things down.

  8. I heard a funny story some time ago. A house was broken into and when the burglars saw that it was a black guys house they appoligised saying " we thought it was a boers house" and left without taking a thing.

    the story is apparently true. eish!

  9. Whites have taken so much like the slaves and alot of resources.

  10. Whites have taken so much from africa in the past 200 years,it's payback time baby!!

  11. I see the baboon in the picture is named "Faraday" Nkoane. Seems he also stole a White man's name. Fecking savage.

    Lindsay R: Totally agree with you!

  12. Yip im also getting sick and tired of the way this country is being run and how the "top dogs" can get away from saying or doing anything...

    Oh and the article is quite old from around 2004/5  if memory serves me correct , around the time when all that Uhuru stuff started....

  13. It's like a white leader saying - go rape the black mens wives and children and then murder the entire family,

    or go Hijack all the minibus taxis - but just don't get caught.

  14. This is not a new idea, as zxcv pointed out.  In the late 1990´s this was already doing the rounds.

    I had a Coloured woman working for me, and she was offered some electrical appliances to buy.  She remarked that they were most likely stolen goods, and were she to buy it, he would come back and steal it from her. So the man replied:  "Moenie warrie nie, sisi, ek steel nie van jou nie, ek vat net van die boere."  Don´t worry, I won´t steal it from you, I only take things from the white man.

  15. Beautiful.  If nothing else, it seems like a tactic to get the gov't focused on youth problems like unemployment.  I love it.

    Yes, it might cause a little harm.  But if the gov't steps up to the plate and solves it themselves, the benefit will be huge.

  16. You can't punish the son for the sins of the fathers.

    It is things like that ,that are getting people killed.

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