
Taking kid to Disneyworld?

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At what age would a little girl actually enjoy and remember a trip to Disneyworld?




  1. I went at age 4 and remember a few things (mostly swimming at the hotel pool).

    I went again at age 8 and remember a lot.

    She would enjoy it at any age, but may not remember much before age 5.

  2. I think you know when your kid is ready- is she old enough to behave (decently) in restaurants and movies? Does she understand your basic directions for safety?

    We want to take ours around 4.

    I also suggest you buy all the expensive souvenirs you want online ahead of time and take them out one at a time over the course of the visit to save lots of cash!!!!

  3. i think dat a little girl will remember disneyworld when she is 11-13 yrs old.

  4. My parents took me a various times in my childhood but I think my memories of it start at about age 6 (but they are not strong memories). I think I really remember the trips from about 8 and on.

    I just took my kids to Disney last week for the first time and they are 8 and 10 so I'm comfortable with that. I know they'll remember it all for sure. Also, they made it through 14 hour days and 45 minute lineups like troopers and I had minimal concerns about them running away from me, talking to strangers, finding help if they did get lost, etc. I was really proud of them and can't wait to go back soon!

  5. Disney can be fun but it requires alot of walking and depending on how old your child is, stroller pushing. Personally I wouldn't take a child younger than 4 and 4 would be the earliest I would attempt it.  Stay on property and do the meal plans. You will come out way ahead in the cost of the trip doing it that way AND you'll have monorail, ferry or other transport from property to property/park to park staying within Disney.  Take a break after lunch and do the pool at the resort you are at and relax a couple hours before going back to the parks. Breaking it up with that and naps makes the day easier to manage.

    Also, when you go, do the OFF SEASON because the lines are very short and it's easier to get around and go where you want to go through your time there. Off season is typically September-October and the first week in November and then again from January through March.  Believe it or not Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest times to go to Disney- even more than the summer on some days!!  Kids will enjoy the Magic Kingdom when they are still into the magic of princesses and characters. For them it is the most fun in those "wonder years" of childhood.

  6. I just took my kids to Disney World and they had a blast!  My sons are 6 and 3, and while the oldest had no problem with the lines and long days, my youngest really needed a nap halfway through the day.  He got pretty grumpy, but all in all he did very well.  I'd say 6 would be the perfect age for them to really enjoy it.

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