
Taking kittens on five hour road trip- tips and tricks?

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I have two 11 week old foster kittens and they're going on a five hour road trip to visit relatives for about a week.

I have a medium sized crate, and a smaller one. I am planning on taking the smaller one so that I don't have to lug them around in the large one, but they can have room to romp while in the car.

I have a multitude of questions:

1. How many toys should I bring? (I have about fifty)

2. Should I put dry food out while they are in the car?

3. What happens if they get hurt? I am going to a semi-rural place.

Thank you!!!




  1. Bring at least two (do they have favorites?)

    No, bring their normal food - but do not let them out of the carrier while on the trip.  In some states it is illegal to drive with uncrated animals.  Stop food/water intake 3-4 hours prior to trip.  They will not need to use the litterbox on the trip.  And no, it's not cruel not to feed or give them water for five hours.

    You can buy a throw-away litterbox at PetSmart to use while at your relatives.

    I would use the bigger crate to give them more room to move around.  Make sure the carrier is secured down in the back seat. This will keep them safe.  They will make noise, most cats do no like to ride in cars (yes, there are some that do).  Do your homework and find a vet in the area you are going to, and tape the address/phone number and directions from your relatives house to the carrier in case of emergency.  Take pictures of the cats in case they get lost.  

    Cats thrive on consistency.  Taking a week long holiday with them may upset the kittens, and it may impact their health.  They may not want to eat, drink or use the litterbox (and may rebel and use an inappropriate place at your relatives).  Traveling and visiting increases the chance they will run off  and get lost, or get hurt in unfamilar places.  Personally as a vet tech, I would hire a sitter and leave them at home where they are familar with their surroundings.  If you were going for a month, it would be a different story, but for a week? I would not take the chance.  Five hours in a car with three kittens will be distracting, and increase your odds of having an accident.

    Do not use sedation on kittens if you do decide to take them.  It can have long term effects, expecially since you will have to dose them again to come home (it sometimes takes up to two weeks to get the medication completely out of their systems).  That alone can cause more health issues.  

    I wish you luck if you still decide to take them along.  Kittens can be destructive in a new place - so make sure your relatives are forgiving if they do make a mess.  Have a safe trip please.

  2. you may want to take them for a test ride to see how they are going to behave first. More than likily, they will not want to play or eat, but will cry most of the trip.

    I would put a small towel or blanket in the crate, so they can have a comfy place to sleep. Put a few small toys (3 or 4) in, but I would hold off on food. You might want to bring a few bowls so that you can give them food and water if you go to a rest stop, but I wouldn't put it in the crate.  

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