
Taking my Autistic child and 2 y/0 to New York and Canada for vacation any suggestions?

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This will be my first vacation without my husband(he hates Canada) and first since I've had 2 kids. Also first time to leave the country. I know it's just Canada no biggy, but I'm nervous. My 9 y/o is Autistic and has a history of running off. I'd be happy to hear any suggestions to keeping them both in sight at all times and keeping them happy. We will be doing several events like shows and the Falls. Can I call ahead to these places and get special services for an autistic child, like line hopping allowances and such. Waiting in line is hard for her. Also should I have her carry a back pack with her therapy items. I.d and such. I was also thinking about getting them both I.D bracelets. Forgive me as I am very very paranoid about losing them. I don't wanna hear about how I shouldn't go. I refuse to lock us up b/c of this disorder. They still need to get out and see the world.




  1. I belong to a group that holds very large camping events (10,000+ people) where there are many children in attendance. One thing the event staff always does is get some of those plastic hospital bracelets (not the paper ones, if they get wet, they fall off, the plastic ones where the only way to get it off is to cut it off). We take a black permanent marker and write the child's name, parent's name and a contact phone number or two (your cellphone number and maybe dad or a relative's home phone number...just in case the cell doesn't work, you know how big of a pain they can be.) Then we put the bracelet on the child's ankle. Tell the children if they get separated from mommy, find a policeman (or other grown up) and show him the bracelet. Even if the child forgets, the cops will come across a bright colored plastic bracelet fairly easily.  If a child should get separated from you, make sure to check in with your alternate contact person to see if they have been contacted by anyone. The difference between this and an ID bracelet, is most kids can un-do a clasp on a bracelet. The hospital bracelets can only be cut off, like I said before. A backpack is a good idea for the 9 year old, but don't make it too heavy or it will just make the child grumpy and you'll end up carrying it.

  2. Great!! I would defiantly do the ID Bracelets. I would call ahead and ask what kind of allowance can be made. Start a plan and talking with your children and the events you willl do know, and let them know what to expect. Also have a back up plan, and let them know what you expect from them. I find with my son with Autism that the more I talk to him about what we wil be doing and what to expect, and what I expect from him the more he rises to the occasion (you probably already know this).

      The new passport law will be in affect after June if you are driving over, and if flying you need them now, as well as a note from their Dad, I've made this mistake living just across the border and been turned around, not fun at all.

      Have somethings packed for the trip to entertain them.

      I hope you will be able to relax and enjoy yourself on vacation! It is great your getting out, and who know they might surprise you.

  3. I believe you should go to  that is probably

    Your salvation. I am currently deployed to Iraq and my wife

    Is planning a trip with our son who is 5 and has ASD and

    Our daughter is 3 I told my wife to get one of the trackers

    Because our son has “RAN!”  Several times in the past.

    Have peace of mind and enjoy your vacation.

  4. Good for you!   My son has Asperger's and I agree with you completely.

    You may need a doctor's letter with the dx in order for allowances at some places.   I would figure out where you are going and call ahead to see if they will be helpful or not.  

    Don't forget that in order to cross the border you will need a signed letter from your husband stating that it's okay with him for you to be taking the kids out of the country.   Customs officials are very sticky about that these days.   Be sure it includes phone numbers where they can reach him just in case they want to call and confirm.

    I don't know if you have Autism cards or not but we took some with us when we went from Canada down to Houston.  We used them for customs officials at the airport when they were going through my son's bags and he got upset.    It made life a whole lot easier.   Here's an example if you don't have any

    We had a backpack for my son that had all his info in it.   As well as phone numbers people could phone if they needed to.  It was as much for my peace of mind as his protection.

    It's too bad your husband won't go just because there is something he doesn't like about our country.    

    I hope you and the kids have a wonderful time any way!

  5. Definitely get your autistic child to carry her ID and contact details for you - possibly in several places if you think she might not like them and try to get rid of them - and any vital details of her condition (if she hates to be comforted, for instance, because an adult finding a lost child will most likely try to). Be a bit creative and get her used to what you will be expecting her to carry beforehand. If she doesn't like the bracelets, maybe she'd be happy with a necklace with a tag on it and the details on a label on the back? Would she be frantically unhappy with a wrist link so she doesn't have to hold your hand but still can't run off in the first place? I'd definitely use a harness of some kind for the two year old unless she's going to be in a buggy the whole time.

    You can always call ahead and explain the situation - maybe you can advance book tickets and explain that you will be arriving last minute so you don't have to wait either in line or inside? That will save you having to run the gauntlet of people who don't understand being cross that you're getting special treatment.

    I hope you and your kids all have a lovely time!

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