
Taking my driver's test... any tips?

by Guest32468  |  earlier

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i'm taking my driving test tomorrow at 9 am (i've already taken the written part and i took driver's ed) and i'm a little nervous. everyone i know has passed, so i'm pretty confident that i'll be ok but i'm scared about parallel parking. the car i'm taking the test in is a bit wide so when i practiced, i always feel like i'm wayyyy too far out from the curb or i get too close and hit it.

so, any tips for taking and passing the test?




  1. I'm currently sixteen, and I got my licenseat sixteen.  I think you'll do okay, for my test we didn't have to parallel park.  Just stay calm and relax.  Imagine it as if you were driving with your instructor or parent.

    Nothing out of the ordinary.  :]  GOOD LUCK!

  2. don't drive with your eyes closed ;)

  3. You should be fine, and if you only mess up on the parallel parking a bit- you won't fail the test.

    One tip I have is to make sure the evaluator can visibly see you turning your head to look at an intersection or anytime you may need look both ways.  (If he/she can't tell that you are looking in both directions, he/she will dock off points.)  I have heard of girls wearing their hair in a pony tail so that the evaluator will see the pony swish back and forth as she turns her head.

    Good Luck-I'm sure you will do just fine!!

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