
Taking my one year old off the bottle

by  |  earlier

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my son is one year and 4 days and i wanted him to be off the bottle by one. he hasn't had a bottle since tuesday and it is now thursday night. hes on homo milk and before only had 2 bottles a day, a 6 oz at nap time in the afternoon and 8 oz at bedtime. he has took all his naps and went to bed without the bottle no problem so far. the only problem is i can't get him to drink his milk, he won't drink much out of a cup and neither out of his sippy cup. i've tried it cold and warmed up. does anyone have any suggestions? he has one favorite sippy cup that he drinks his water out of everyday but when theres milk in there he stops and spits it out..




  1. Maybe help him choose another favorite sippy cup just for the milk? I'm just guessing here.

  2. i would get a bottle full of milk and a sippy cup full of milk at every meal time.  and pick out one nipple for the bottle, every other day or so, cut off a little piece of the nipple. when he realizes that he can no longer drink out of the bottle, he will have to drink out of the cup.  this worked for my neighbors when they wanted to do this to their daughter, they also used the same idea for a pacifier.  

  3. My daughter is 21 mo. old and she had a pretty rough time switching also. Her Dr. told me she would go through the spells of not drinking out of a sippy cup but to keep trying. His BM's are just part of him changing his body changing also. He got used to having milk so many times a day and for the past couple days he hasn't had it. He will do fine. Just know once you take it away you can't give it back, because then he knows if he retalliates he can just get the bottle right back. I know first hand I gave in and two weeks later tried it again and it was sooo much harder. He will be fine as long as he is taking in liquids. Try using chocolate or strawberry syrup to help him drink his milk(if you can add that). He will do fine though, just give him a little time to adjust

  4. I think you should just throw all the bottles away if he dont drink then oh well after awhile he will have no choice, besides all that milk is not good for his teeth anyways sorry if i sound so harsh  but my baby is seven months old and she is on a sippy cup its going to be hard to take the bottle away thats why the doctors tell you to start using a sippy cup at six months and leave the bottles alone..

  5. Try one of the Nuby cups from Walmart, they have the silicone top like bottle nipples. They're more like a sippy cup, but have the bottle feel. My son had his last bottle on his first birthday and we used the Nuby cups for a couple of months, then switched to the "big kid" sippy cups. Also, you could try a sippy cup with a straw, Kid Connection cups (also at Walmart) keep spills to a minimum when thrown by a one year old! :-)

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