
Taking my "senior" year at community college?

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Technically I'm supposed to be a senior, but I'm taking all my classes at community college next year.

For anyone else who did this or for anyone who had children who did this: Did you/they find it difficult? Was it very time consuming (compared to the usual school day)? The normal number of credits per semester is 15. If I take 18 will I be overwhelmed?

I'm aware that it's different for everyone, but I still want to hear from people who've been through it.

When I did go to school I was always in advanced classes, and I took the SAT last year and got a 1880 (not genius but still above average).




  1. As someone who was an AP student in high school and who's currently in college I can tell you that 15 credits is a lot - and most community college require a counselor's signature if you're taking 18+ credits. That should clue you into how difficult of a schedule that is to handle. You have to remember that in college you don't have 180 days of class to learn a subject - they're compressed into each semester and depending on the subject it can be a lot of information (especially math and science classes requiring a lab). Stick with the 15 credits and schedule little breaks in between classes. They're great times to run up to the library and get homework done so you aren't worrying about it later that night.

  2. what you are doing is called "duel enrollment" I did this last year (same as you in my senior year, now graduated). I found it easy but I have only done it for 2 classes each semester (7 in the first and I want to say 8 in the second). if I were you I would only take the classes you need to graduate High school this year (these classes will also help you in a degree) if you are good in math and you placed high on the placement test take the coarse they recommend for you to take take it and if you placed in the english on collage lvl take that as well but after that you should not need to take anything else.

  3. Well since most of the harder courses are only worth 3 credits then yes 18 units is a little much. I suggest breaking it up a bit and taking one fun course. This way it won't be as overwhelming.

    I found the community college to be easier than Highschool. There is no hand holding- you are accountable for yourself, you can choose when to take your courses whether be during the day or night. You figure that most classes are anywhere between 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours a piece so take this into consideration. Does it really matter exactly when you complete the classes considering you will be going into college anyways. I say it is better to take a few classes at a time and get really good grades then to take too many and stuggle and make ok grades. If you take a few at a time this allows you to also build up your GED.

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