
Taking out a useless on/off switch and replacing with a faceplate?

by Guest32311  |  earlier

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I am wanting to remove my on/off actually its a flimsy button switch from my wall, all it does is turn my TV off its USELESS.

(standard U.S wall switch)

So I opened it up and the wiring seems simple they are all in caps so what do I need to do before I remove this switch?

Turn off the breaker? is that just powering off my whole house?

If I power off my house for 30 minutes then take the cable cap off then s***w it back on.....I should be ok?

Shock wise.




  1. Yes. There is a breaker that will stop just the few outlets on that circuit. Then take the two wires that are going to the switch, twist them together and put a wire nut on them to hold them and insulate them.

    Then just put a blank plate (no openings) back on. As long as you don't cover up the box completely or push it inside the wall and plaster over it you are OK.

  2. First, turn the switch on and the tv on. Turn the volume up loud. Then go to the breaker box and figure out which breaker it is by listening for the tv to shut off as you flip the switches on and off. You can leave the main breaker on. When you figure out which breaker it is, leave it off and label it with a pencil so you will know which it is in the future.

    Next, go to the room and make sure that the switch is on and that the tv is getting no power.

    Next, take the faceplate off. If there are only two wires going to the switch, unscrew both or if they go into the back of the switch, push a paperclip in next to it and pull the wire out at the same time.

    Next, twist both wires together clockwise and then firmly put a wirenut on the end of them making sure to cover any exposed wire.

    Lastly, put the faceplate on and turn the breaker switch back on. Check the tv and you're done.

  3. First of all be careful.  If you have ANY doubts, don't do this yourself, hire an electrician.  If you are confidant you can do it yourself, proceed.  You should have a breaker that will turn off your TV and maybe a couple other lights and/or outlets.  If not, go ahead and turn off the main breaker.  You don't need to wait any time after you turn it off.  Remove the switch from the wall.  Disconnect the wires that are connected to the switch, and connect them together.  You will need another wire nut for this.  (I assume this is what you are calling the cable cap.)  Twist the bare ends of the wires together (clockwise) with a pliers.  Turn the wire nut on the wires (clockwise) as tight as you can with your fingers, Then turn it a quarter turn more with pliers.  Tuck the wires back in the box and install a blank cover plate.  Any other questions, contact me, I'll be glad to help.

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