I've been feeling really down lately. I'm home with my kids (4 and 6) for the summer (I'm a teacher) and although I was really excited to be with them, I feel like all I do is yell at them. I'm frustrated a lot at my husband, and I find that I take out all the stress I have on my poor kids, often freaking out at them about the dumbest things. This makes me depressed and I cry a lot feeling like I'm such a horrible mother. When I teach school I'm so patient and and calm, but at home I feel like a schizophrenic monster. I don't know how else to deal with my husband and then be patient with them when they don't listen to me when I ask them to do something like clean their rooms or put away their things. When I'm away from them I miss them and want to be with them, but it's like as soon as I'm back with them (or back in the house with my husband), I'm back to all the yelling and impatience. What can I do? I don't want them to hate me growing up...