
Taking pacifier away?????

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my son is 13 months old and still on a pacifier...i was just wondering when other parents took their child's pacifiers? What's the best way to take his pacifier away?




  1. my daughterwill be 2 this month and my other daughter will be 1 also this month and this is how we do it:

    0-12 months: give paci whenever they want

    12-23 months:only at bed and nap times

    24 months : we tie thier paci(s) to a balloon and let them wave bub bye

    yes and like the other person said they will cry but remind them that the balloon went bub bye with their pacies  

  2. my aunt took the pacifer away from her baby when he was a year old and she let him go to sleep with it and while he was asleep she cut it was down so when he got up and tried to suck it he couldnt and he said it was broken and he didnt want it anymore

  3. my son is 19 months old and just has his at night. i tried to take it away cold turkey when he was 1 year, but that just didn't work! so we decided to make it gradual. we moved the next month so we wait until we  were settled into our new house before making any changes. then when he was awake he could not have it while he was eating or playing, then we progressed to leaving it in the car when we went somewhere, now his Binky's stay in his bed. He used to have 2 in his bed, one for his mouth and the other to hold, but now we have moved down to only one. This week i switched out his "good binky" to the one he doesnt like as well. next month we are going to try and "send away" the Binky's. we will make it a game so that he can watch his Binky's disappear. it seems to be working for us, and my son is adjusting well too. hope this helps!

  4. With my first dd at around 10 months, I started just letting her have it at night and naptime. She would know to put it in the crib when I got her up. Around a year is when I snipped the end off one of them and hid the others. I snipped it a couple more times and she didn't want it anymore. My second is a year now (and more attached than her sis was) and I will be doing the same thing with her.

  5. You just take it.  Tough love.  They'll *****, moan, and cry, but they'll get over it.

    If you want you can ween them off it.  Only at certain times, and then slowly remove one time-at-a-time unless there's "no times" left.

  6. I took my daughters at 6 mths because I went to the doctor and saw

    a child that looked 5 still sucking on a pacifier. But I just took it she cried but eventually got over it. I think that's the best way.

  7. I took my soon off of it at 4.5 months but that was because he would sleep w/out and would wake up in the middle of the night to have me put it back in. He quickly learned how to self soothe w/out any problems. Now what you can do is poke a tiny hole in the nipple w/ a needle so that it doesn't suck properly. You can give them the pacifier but it wont work and iIf he wants you to fix it say "I cant sorry". This is a sure way to break any little one of their pacifier. I did this with a 2 year old girl I nannied and it worked well. Do this to all the pacifiers and eventually he'll just give them up cause they just don't work.

  8. What I did was clip the end of the nipple of the pacifier and give it back to them like normal and they just hated it so they stopped using it.  I've heard of people putting something on the nipple so they don't like the taste but I've never tried that.

  9. This is great!  My daughter had one untill she awas almost 3 and then one day i told her.. ok you have 3 days and no more pacifier (we called it a Baa-Boo) and then we kept counting the days down and i would remind her at night and so on- then when it was time  it was like it was nothing!!  She asked for it once and that was it!  I think it is more of a safety net for the parents rather than the child... lol

  10. My son was 19 months old and my daughter was 15 months old. I did the same thing for both of them. I gave it to them only at nap time and bedtime and then only at bedtime. then I took it away totally. I now have a 12 month old and I am going to start doing the same thing with her.  

  11. My daughter is 19 months old and only uses hers during nap or bedtime.  I "plan" on taking it away totally when she turns 2.  We'll see how this goes.  I think I'm going to try cutting the tips of them off, but then that worries me because of the chocking hazards.  So, we'll see.

  12. My son didn't really like the pacifier so I took it away when he was around that age.

    My daughter on the other hand was pretty addicted to the pacifier.  When she started walking I made a rule that said she could only have the pacifier when she was in her crib only.  She sleeps very well and doesn't try to get in bed with my husband and I so I kinda figured I'd rather have her in her bed with a pacifier, then in our bed.

    She is now a bit over 3 and still  has her pacifier.  She knows that the only time she can have it is when she is in her bed.  Sometimes when she gets to the 'meltdown' point, she just stops and goes to her bed and settles herself down then comes back to play with her brother or whatever it is she was doing.

    For me, this works.  

  13. well my son is also 13 months and we just started trying to wean him by giving it to him for naps and bed time only. we give it to him then when he wakes up we leave it in the crib and tell it goodbye and we will see it when its time to sleep and he really get into it.and he knows it is in his crib and he doesnt wine and look for it! slowly we will move to only night time then move off it, so u can slowly adjust him enstead of a rip from under his feet approch. they are still babies and need the comfort suck atleast till 1.5...hope this helps

  14. Mine is 14 months and still using one...every child is different though, my 3 year old had on and when he turned 1 he didn't like it anymore...but tough love on this one will be for the best.

  15. The best way is what will suit your child best. If you think your child will cause so much a fuss that it will ruin the whole day, then you should slowly remove it. Only offering at nighttime, or whenever you feel is appropriate. If your child is easily redirected, then take it all away at once and continue to do something else if he asks for it. "Sorry, the pacifier is gone now, but would you like to color now?" Good luck.

  16. I never took my kid's pacifiers away.  Most kids will stop using on their own.  My oldest decided that she wanted her's bronzed, my middle one still has one of her's she keeps it in a jar with water and takes it to bed with her, doesn't use it just "wears" it on her finger, my youngest tossed her's into the garbage on her own when she was 4.  If you don't make it an issue they won't.

  17. Your baby is still pretty young and you are doing good not waiting until he is 2 or 3 years old like some mom do.

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