
Taking peroxide internally (Knowledgeable answers only please!)?

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Has anyone ever heard of taking peroxide internally? It's called "Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy". What can you tell me about it? My cousin who is a surgical assistant has my mother taking it, I think 2 teaspoons to a gallon of water. I read where it must be "food grade", I don't like the idea of it because of the "free radical" of oxygen. Anybody else know anything definitive? This question was asked here a year ago and all the answers referred to the asker as being "crazy". I am not looking for those types of answers, I'm looking for information. Thanks in advance.




  1. 2 teaspoons in a gallon of water is essentially a homeopathic dilution.

    There is no harm.

    There is also no benefit.

  2. Hydrogen peroxide therapy???I think it's a bunch of CROCK. My son swallowed some (like half a bottle) Hydrogen peroxide on accident and had to be taken to the emergency room. Hydrogen peroxide can be caustic and can burn your esophogus.

    It's probably not doing anything anyway as diluted as that is, have her drink a gallon of water per day without the peroxide and watch how "magically" she gets to feeling wonderful. Staying well hydrated really does wonders for the body.

  3. Most people take this solution when they think they are overly acidic.  This is supposed to help bring your blood pH down within normal ranges (6.8 - 7.2) especially when used with pH balancing diets full of veggies.  Some even claim it's good for cancer.

    I have never heard any benefit or danger to taking it, so long as it is highly highly diluted.  You are correct that it has to be "food grade" which means you have to get it from the internet as it is classified as a "hazardous chemical."  Hydrogen peroxide that you get off the shelf at your local drug store is NOT the same and should never be taken internally.

  4. Here's the best guide I've ever read on the subject.

    I got some well diluted food grade from the link below it.

    Whatever you decide to do - Best of health to you!

  5. skep doc is pretty much right, hydrogen peroxide is not very potent at a dilution like that so its probably not going to do anything

    and shanna, 1 molecule doesnt sound like much but it can make a huge difference in chemical properties

  6. All that I know is that the chemical formula for Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2, so the only difference between Peroxide and water is one oxygen molecule. It shouldn't be harmful at all. You can even drink it straight and you'll be alright.

  7. I've done quite a bit of work with/researched hydrogen peroxide therapies, so I think I can provide some useful info!  I also think almost everything said above me was flat out wrong :|

    Here's the basic theory;

    Hydrogen peroxide is really good for your body and does lots of wonderful things once it gets in the blood stream, provided it is a low concentration (.0375% seems to be the preferred amount for intravenous injections).

    Peroxide basically does the following things:

    Very effective anti microbial agent (especially fungus bacteria and viruses).

    Boosts part of the immune system

    Clears blockages in the circulatory system, and causes the body to flush out toxins.

    Oxygenates tissue (many places are oxygen deprived which leads to a host of problems).

    It's the most popular for the effect it creates by killing pathogens, but I know of people that have used it for all sorts of other novel things.

    While hydrogen peroxide is "super awesome" there are essentially two problems with it.

    The first is that it's difficult to get in the blood stream.

    The second is that while effective at low concentrations, it can cause problems at high concentrations.

    To my knowledge, there are essentially 4 ways to get peroxide into the body.

    Inject it, swallow it, vaporize and breath it, mix it with dmso and then let it go in through the skin.

    The injecting form is the most clinically effective, but it is also the most invasive (and say requires you to see a doctor) hence it's not ideal.  When peroxide is used for medical therapies, it's generally done this way.

    I believe vaporizing works, but I don't know very much about the specifics of it.

    I've also messed around with the DMSO method, but that's mostly been for my friend with HPV (so I also don't know that much about it).

    The most popular approach hence is the remaining one, drinking it.  There are debates over whether or not it's ideal (some experts have recommended it for years and swear by it, others claim it has the potential to create free radicals in your stomach and that it should just be injected).  There aren't any definitive answers on the question, but the general consensus now is: its safe if you

    a) Eat it away from meals (because the partially digested foods in your stomach is what causes OH- aka free radical to form)

    b) Do not have it in a high concentration.

    For instance, if you swallow .1% peroxide, you will be fine, but  if you drink 3.5% you will probably vommitt and have some blood come up, while if 35% goes will be very very bad.

    Side note; while peroxide is not toxic, various chemicals mixed into it as stabilizers are.  When peroxide is at a 3% concentration (what you buy in the store) those stabilizers are present, while in reagent grade (30%) and food grade (35%) they are not.  Truthfully, the 30% is a bit better, but it's much rarer so food grade is generally advocated for consumption.  However, since you want a concentration dramatically below 1%, this necessitates massive dilutions.

    I've had a couple of friends who suffered from chronic candida, and felt crappy, sick, low energy, depressed etc.  I told them to drink a few drops of peroxide a day diluted in water.  After about a week, they noticed most of their problems started going away, and were amazed at how much of a difference it had made for them (candida is normally impossible to treat and can stay with people for years).

    Additionally, whenever I have a cold/sore throat of a friend does, I tell them to gargle hydrogen peroxide, and it generally fixes the condition within a few gargle (whereas antiobiotics which are perscribed do nothing).

    I really like H2O2 because it's a remarkably simple chemical that can be applied to a lot of different health conditions, often yielding much better results than the conventional approaches.  Truthfully, there's still so much I would like to learn about it, but peroxide has been an extremely useful tool to me and probably one of the most valuable things I've ever learned about.

    If you'd like any more information about this I'd be happy to answer your questions.  Hope that helps!

    *and the free radical thing is normally not a problem unless it's used in excessively high concentrations.  The body makes enzymes specifically to deal with the ones that can crop up (since the immune system utilized H2O2), but most normal cells of the body are completely resistant to being damaged by peroxide in low concentrations (which is not true for most anerobic pathogens).  Free radicals are commonly linked to cancer (which is the main reason people care about them), but peroxide actually does the opposite and tends to kill tumors instead of promote them.

  8. If you don't know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it, you are playing with a loaded gun.  

    Yes, it has to be "food grade".  I found this link:

    There is a bunch of info on here, but it is from someone who promotes it, so there is a bit of a bias there.

    It isn't meant to be a prophylactic treatment.  Meaning that it will prevent certain diseases or conditons.  It is meant for curative treatments.  

    The people that will answer "crazy" are the ones that don't know that there are different grades of peroxide.  They are the ones assuming that it is the one that is bought at your local drug store.  And in this case, that is not what you are talking about.

    If you were to try it, I would talk with your doctor first.  They are the ones that are going to have to treat you if something goes wrong and it would be best if they knew all the facts.  I'm sure that your mother is taking it under the guidance of her doctor....or at least I hope so!   Your cousin wouldn't be able to make that decision on his/her own.   I know this because I am a Certified Surgical Assistant.  We do not have the training with Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy as surgical assistants.

  9. I do agree with the previous post, taking hydrogen peroxide is supposed to lower the acidity in your body and bring your pH into a healthy range but this can also be achieved simply by taking a mixture of baking soda and water or lime juice.  You may find it helpful to read this article:

    As far as the efficacy and safety of using hydrogen peroxide you may want to check out they have both anecdotals as well as advice from an authority on the subject.

  10. Skep doc, I wanted to point out some basic math to you (since you have such a long history of flaming homeopathy here).  I think since you normally claim to be a scientific expert, this needs to be written out and explained.

    You said

    "2 teaspoons in a gallon of water is essentially a homeopathic dilution.

    There is no harm.

    There is also no benefit."

    If hydrogen peroxide is at a 35% concentration, than means that 35% of its weight is H2O2, and for every atom of H2O2, there are 3.5 atoms of H2O (34/[18x+34]=.35, solve for x.), or .286 atoms of H2O2 for each H2O.

    To quote google "1 US teaspoon = 0.00130208333 US gallons."

    Or, (.0013*2)/(1+.0026)= .13% or .13% of the solution is 28.57% H2O2 Atoms (and combined .037% of the atoms present are H202, or 1 out of every 2703 molecules in it is h2O2).  Given that a gallon of water has approximately 1.265x10^26 atoms of H2O in it, there are roughly 4.68*10^22 atoms of H2O2 present.

    The typical objection to homeopathy is that they dilute it past Avogadro's #, such that there is less than 1/10^27 atoms of the original substance left, or nothing besides water left.  It's used to mock and ridicule the entire theory of homeopathy, since homeopathic remedies must have at least 1 atom of the original substance to be "chemically active."

    Given that there are well over a trillion atoms left in the H2O2 dillution left, your statement hence is completely false and rather silly.

    The reason this particular statement bothered me (and I took the time to write this all up) is because you've continually taken a scientific/expert approach to ridiculing these approaches, whereas what you used her was just a completely unsounded slander (like an emotional attack).  If you are going to slag homeopathy, do it when it's applicable, don't point out your innabliity to construct valid arguments in either debates.

    Sorry if I didn't answer your actual question : )

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