
Taking photos of clothes to sell on eBay?

by Guest60600  |  earlier

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Hi, I have been selling on eBay since 2005, I have a great place set up to take pictures of stuff like books movies games and such, but i am now going to be listing some clothes on ebay.

Thing is I can't figure out what would be the best way to take photos.

I can't use the place that i use to take pictures of other things because the area isn't big enough.

any tips on how i can take photos of clothes?





  1. try to find a mannequin or a dressmakers form to properly showcase your clothing items.  It will make a huge difference for your sales.

    The other idea (and a less costly one as far as cash outlay) is to photograph a person wearing the clothing.  The downside to that would be the clothing looks "worn" if you were selling it as "new".

    Adding measurements also helps to sell your clothing items (chest measurements, length from shoulder to hem, sleeve length, neck size, etc.)  Also if you know the composition, add the material type (silk, wool, crepe, etc, and the percentage of each.  

  2. Hi, I buy & sell clothes all the time... I agree with the person who said to lay them down and stand over them to take a pic. If it will fit on a table that works very well- wood usually makes a great, clean-looking background. I sell mostly kids clothes so I usually use my kitchen table. If the clothes you are selling won't fit on a table then you can arrange them nicely on the floor to take your pics. Just make sure the carpet, wood or tile looks clean. As a buyer, I don't like it when a seller hangs things because the clothes don't hang flat- it creates shadows which makes it hard to see any flaws and it just looks kind of sloppy. I also prefer not to see someone else wearing the item I am considering buying. I don't know why, I don't have a problem buying used things but it just bugs me to see it being worn in the pics. I would guess I'm not the only one who feels that way lol. Only exception to that rule is with kids stuff- seeing a kid out in the snow in a great-looking snowsuit for example can make the item seem more appealing... as long as the pics focus on the clothes and not the kid who's wearing them. Good luck!

  3. Use a model. It shows how the clothes fit and how they look.

    i hope i helped.<3

  4. put themon a hanger then hang it on a door handle. if the clothes still fit someone then get them to wear them, just dont include their face in the photo, only the clothing

  5. You could hang them on the door, and take a picture of the front and the back and perhaps the label if you were stating that the item was from topshop for example

    or if the clothes fit you or someone you no you could ask them to try it on and take a picture of them wearing it so that someone could see how the clothes fitted.

  6. hang them somewhere and take a picture of the front and back and thats it~!

  7. I lay them on the floor and then stand on my bed or a chair and take a picture from above. When you hang them, it distorts the garment especially pants

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