
Taking pics of ghost/orbs?

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Does digital camera works well capturing light/orbs?




  1. Digital cameras, Polaroids, 35mm, any camera can capture orbs. Keep in mind that there are many  natural explanations for the orb phenomenon. Rule them out first. Be creative! try to duplicate the effect but don't be so skeptical that you automatically rule out the possibility that you may have a genuine orb. Also if using a 35mm camera be sure to have the place that is developing the film print all the exposures even the ones that they believe were bad. Those may be the ones that you have captured something on. Good Luck!

  2. It depends on the reslution of the camera, the more megapixels the better

    and yes they work to capture ghosts, I believe they are even better than conventional cameras

    But usually ghosts don't allow themselves to be pictured, they are not stupid

  3. Yes.

    I hate how every says how they're not orbs, there some light responding to the camera etc etc.

    I don't know what they are, but I like to believe that they are spirits cuz that's just more fun.

  4. You bet. In fact, you can say that digital flash cameras create orbs.

  5. Besides the discussion if orbs exist or not, I am missing an important thing in your question:

    Why is it that ONLY digital camera's seem to capture them???

    I've never seen an orb (not a dust / raindrop etc..) on a still film camera.

  6. First of all, the round things you see in photographs--call them "orbs" if you like--have nothing to do with spirits of any kind.  They are photographic anomalies created by particles of dust, rain drops or anything else near the lens that usually appear when the flash is in use.

  7. yes...happens a lot to me...i consider them guardian angels

    O: )

  8. I just want to say that saw an orb that did manifest itself into a man....its the only thing i've ever seen

  9. My son took a pic at the genealogy society in Frankfort Ky and it came out clearly showing a man's face and hand. He's not tried it on lights or orbs, but it did show the man clearly.

    Wanda Shepherd

  10. Not to disagree or argue--- but-- in response to Ryan's answer-- I've read just as many follow-up studies saying there is nothing technology wise that is producing the "orbs" w/ the Sony camera.

    Aside from that-- if an orb represents an energy pocket, and spirits are drawn of pockets of energy....does that mean there could be paranormal activity?????

    That is debatable.  

    Like other's said, many things can give the distinct appearance of an orb that is not.  To me there is a distinct difference in a true "orb" caught on film as opposed to what might be an imposter.

    I'm not impressed by most photo's.  Probably the best one I've taken/seen of an orb was of the one I have posted on my homepage of our website.  It was moving.  I'll post a link so you can see.

    There was a lot of paranormal activity happening at the moment the orb was photographed.

    Orb's are a great debate in the paranormal field.  Personally, I think they represent something- but not necessairly a ghost or haunting.

    To directly answer your question, you can use a digital camera.  The thing to note is your megapixel's and you have to be very judgemental in deciding if you truly got an orb.

  11. any digital camera works but they aren't spirits!!!!! go outside and throw some powder from the kitchen in the air outside and start snapping, stomp around you'll get some dust this way maybe some moisture .

    -------MY OPINION----

    Orbs are not signs of a haunting, they are mostly just energy, not a entity or spirit/ghost. I've never seen an orb manifest into any mist or apparition. In The 90's the revolution of digital images took place and thus bringing upon interest to paranormal investigation and research. The company Sony brought about night vision (ability to see and record pictures in darkness) which using them they started to notice new anomalous phenomenon Orbs. Thousands upon thousands these are loaded on the internet. Just about everyone with a digital camera would capture orbs. Analyzed by experts they started noticing that photos of orbs were occurring in places that were not haunted indoors and outdoors. Scientists would do experiments had thrown and blown dust or powder in front of cameras caught in the flash they gave convincing Orbs that looked exactly like those seen in many of the pictures that people search for photos all the time and look at on orb/ghost sites. Outdoors in misty conditions photos produce tens of thousands of orbs and rain produced many in photos as well. Moving Orbs seen on the night vision video are simply the result of the camcorder capturing a moving image of the dust or water droplets as they get carried past by the slight currents of moving air that are Moving Orbs are simply the result of moving currents of air and in one case an insect, dust , pollen etc. flying through the air .It goes to show that your common anomalous phenomena "Orbs" happens to be common things such as dust, bugs , rain , moisture etc. reflecting back the light of the flash and also to close to the lens.




    Lens Glare

    Sun Flare






    Change in Temp.

    Finger in front of Flash.

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  12. digital cameras work good depending on the megapixles on the camera because the lower the megapixle the worse the picture and the easier for someone to discredit the picture. i also find that 35 mm film still works really well to capture orbs appiritions and light anomalies on film as well. hope this helps

  13. I generally avoid still photography as flashes and other problems tend to produce false images.  I also throw out "Orbs" as being evidence unless they conform to a certain criteria.  They must first be a light of some type.  Not a speck or piece of floating matter.  They must also have intelligent movement.  Even a ball of light can be nothing more than an anomaly caused by the camera.  At least if it appears to have intelligent movement, it can be considered as evidence.  A still camera would obviously not catch movement, so that is why I don't use them.  Anything you can catch with a still camera, you should be able to catch with a camcorder or IR (Infra Red) camera.  Some paranormal investigators, in fact most of them, would disagree saying that they have caught evidence with a still camera but not with video.  Unfortunately by my standards this only proves that the still camera caused the occurrence and thus, it is not submittable as evidence.

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