
Taking pregnancy test with luteal phase around 20 days.. lady's help please?! Answers appreciated!

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To start things off I was wondering if having a miscarriage would change the way you always feel before you come on your period? I always feel crampy at least 3 days before it starts and my next period should be due in a few days and I feel nothing of PMS except fatigue that I am hoping is due to pregnancy. Next thing is that I have read that the "average" luteal phase is 14 days. Mine is almost always 20 or so b/c my cycle is around 32-34 days. Now I am in cycle day 30/my last period was July 13-17 and my ovulation peek was 29-31 (which was cycle day 17-19). My partner and I had s*x plenty to get pregnant..

I took a /- E.P.T test this morning knowing it was early on and it was negative.. I am not expecting my period until around the 13-15. All though I am 13 DPO can the test be giving me a false negative because my period is not due AND b/c my luteal phase is longer? When I was pregnant last time I tested positive at 21DPO and was 2 days late to my period. According to my 32 day cycle my period is due in a few days but I don't feel crampy like I always do before I start like I stated above..

So I am wondering if you all think I tested to early? 13 DPO sounds like its far enough then I thought well my luteal phase is pretty long and my period isn't due.

Any advice -or- input would be great. Also I would love to hear of your false negative stories!

Thanks to all and any who answer =p





  1. I don't have the answer, but got on here looking for it.  I've tested postive on the opk at cd 15 for the last 2 months.  Last month my period started on CD 26, which means I had a 10-11 day luteal phase that month.  This month I'm at CD 27 with no AF yet, but I'm only on luteal phase day 11 so I tested today and BFN, but I was wondering if I should wait to test until day 14 b/c I ovulate kinda late for a shorter average cycle length.  

  2. Well, typically, they say to wait to 14 dpo before you test so it certainly can be too early.  The llong luteal phase confused me a bit though.  You do know that the luteal phase is the time between ovulation and your period, right?  So, it doesnt matter that you have a longer cycle and that you ovulate later.... you should still have about 14 days after your ovulation, no matter how late it is, until your period comes.  If you are truly having a 20 day luteal phase, then this could be the problem with you not conceiving.  See, with a short luteal phase, that means your lining is not strong enough to hold a pgcy so I THINK that with a longer one, your lining is to THICK to let a pgcy implant... Make sense?  So, maybe consult a Dr about that...

    Either way, Best of luck to you.. I hope you get the BFP soon!

  3. there is something about your luteal phase and dpo right now that is confusing me.  Your 13 dpo and are expecting your period anytime in 2-5 days from now.  That only puts your luteal phase at 15-18 days, not 20.  If your LP is 20 days, I would guess that 13dpo is too early to test.  

    And, yes a miscarriage can definitely change the way you feel before your period arrives.  It changed for me a GREAT deal.  I get horribly miserable now, lots of cramping and I have a ton of "pregnancy" symptoms, none of which I ever experienced before the miscarriage.  Keeping my fingers crossed this is your month!!  keep us updated!!

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