
Taking the reigns?

by  |  earlier

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what is the best way to start a massive anti f******n restoration group (and dangers associated w/ it to the body). Also, how do I sue websites advocating restoration?




  1. If somebody chooses to try f******n Restoration, who are you to shove your opinion down their throat and tell them otherwise? Its not your body and none of your business what other people do to theirs, so why don't you get yourself a proper job and a life and go away?

  2. Are you sure you are in the right forum?  People come to Medicine because they are not sure about something that is medical in nature, but clearly you've already made up your mind about your topic (f******n restoration).  

    For starting a movement, try Politics & Government or Civic Participation:;_ylt=Aiqpl...

    For advice on suing people, try Law & Ethics:;_ylt=Ahktj...

  3. How about starting a massive anti circumcision group so that nobody has to do f******n restoration?
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