
Taking this certain pill apart?

by  |  earlier

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My doctor prescribed me Minocycline for my back acne and i was wondering if i could take the minocycline apart and pour it into applesauce or something else because the pharmacist said i could but the medication description said do not break crush or chew before swallowing so im not sure if i can.





  1. I would side with the pharmacist on this one. It is their sole job, and 8+ years of education, to know every medication the dispense. I have crushed many medications and taken as a powder with food. You dont want to do it with a "time released" medication.

  2. A few very general rules that have helped me:  If the drug is a capsule filled with powder it is ok to mix with food but if it is in a Pill form which you have to crush up to mix then don,t do it. Also,any prescription that has XR or ER before or after the drug name then definitely not ok....

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