
Taking young kids on a cruise???

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My son will be a little over 2 in October. I want to take him on a cruise, but I want to go for more than just 7 or even 14 days. Has anyone ever cruised with a toddler? Any advice?




  1. If he's not potty trained he will not be able to attend the children's programs on board. We did a 10 day Southern Caribbean last March and befriended a couple who brought their 3 year old and 1 year old. They didn't get a moment to relax the whole time. Are Grandma and Grandpa available or perhaps a sister or favorite aunt to take care of him. He won't remember any of it and you'll still have to pay for him and his share of the tips. I didn't take my kids until they were 22, 20 and 17. Best of luck whatever you decide.

  2. We went on a Disney Cruise with our 9, 5, and 2 year old last year and had a blast! I know they have several 3 or 4 night cruises, as well as 7 night. I think they also have a few cruises that are more than 7 days. I would go on their website and request a free DVD that they offer. Their website is VERY informative! As far as any advice- I can only say from our experience on Disney that it was definitely a great trip and all 3 of our children enjoyed it. Our 2 year old didn't want to leave the kids club! The staff really paid a lot of attention to everyone in our family and knew our names where ever they saw us! The food was great and the cabin was really big! (Deck 8, category 4). Bring along your little one's favorite toys and blanket, etc... as well as a variety of clothing, as it is sometimes cool at night, but still hot during the day!  I hope this helps!

  3. Little kids are usually fine on cruises. It depends on the kid though. However, I'd say a 14 day cruise might be a bit long for a kid that young. I'd start with a 7 day cruise. If he likes it, then maybe next time a longer cruise will work. Just think if he doesn't like it. That would make for a long 14 day cruise.

    Anyway, there's plenty of stuff for kids to do on cruises. I'd suggest you sign him up with the "camp"/daycare program. He'll be with lots of kids his age. They have supervised and planned activities all day long. You can drop him off and pick him up as you wish. He wouldn't be required to stay there all day. A kid his age would probably be best at least trying out these programs. They have activities suited to his age, and from what I hear, kids love them! I always see the kids marching around the ship in costumes having a ball. They also have pizza parties, games, etc.

    For a cruise line, I'd recommend, Carnival, Disney, or Royal Caribbean. They're the most family-oriented. Out of those, Carnival is usually the cheapest, Disney is usually the most expensive.

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. Royal Caribbean has a great child program but Disney is the ultimate...but be cautious, there are some horror stories about children being left and not taken care of. Check in often and create a schedule so you and your child know what to expect.

  5. As long as you do not mind watching him or finding someone who does you should be fine.

  6. As you know the added cost would be neglible so that is not a concern.

    However, your time would be spent almost entirely with the child since he is just over 2.  Do not think you can drop him off at the daycare and forget him all day.  The daycare is not suited for children of his age.

    Also, think of the other passengers.  Do they want a toddler at their dinner table?  Even a very well behaved child of 2 is going to be very antsy during a dinner of 1 1/2 hours each night.

    My advice is to take the child to a water park or nice amusement park for a couple of days.  Call the grandparents and let them babysit for the length of the cruise - at their house.  Don't forget to bring them an expensive thank-you gift.

  7. this is a very hard question for anyone to answer for you. i don't have kids , but i have been on lots of ships / boats. we see people of all different ages there  they do have some small children with them . there are kiddy pools and even baby sitting on board. i would say yes to taking your child , just make sure you take more than what you need for them ., meaning diapers, whipes and clothes. also if you have too take some type of baby meds with you like baby tynoel because they may not have any or if they do it will be so much money. there is always a dr. on broad too .but is a good thing . but one week should be enough but than again that is up to you.

  8. I've never cruised with kids and never will.

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