
Talent Headshots??????

by  |  earlier

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Okay I'm in an agency, and YES I have had tons of experience and I'm still in acting classes. I'm sending in my headshot to Disney, yes it's for real I'm not with those scams like John Robert Powers or John Casablancas.

Okay so, I have both my hands in the picture, i'm touching my hair, like I'm stroking it. I have a ring on, and my nails are done, [pink with a black underline] Is this ok to send in to Disney, will they care?




  1. Ugh. Probably.

  2. What they really want to see is your face so as long as your face isn't covered, it should be fine.

  3. Honestly, that doesn't sound like a good headshot. In a proper headshot you should be wearing no jewelry, have a very natural and fresh-faced look, and not have anything going on in the frame that will distract from your face. Remember, a headshot is not the same as a modeling comp card; it's presenting you in a totally neutral state, without whatever costume, makeup, etc they may or may not want to put on you; it's telling whoever sees it what you'll look like when you walk into the audition room. Having things like jewelry and a distracting pose in the shot both detracts from showing you as a blank canvas and makes you seem unprofessional for not knowing the industry standard in headshots.
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