
Talent Level Question?

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I am 20 yrs old I have playing 8-ball for 4 years. I have 47 break and runs and about 9 eight on the breaks. I am a 7 in the APA league and out of the 50 players in my league, I would estimate my self as one of the top 5 players. Am I on par, above, or below for my age to keep playing towards semi-pro events.




  1. Johnny's right.  It's a little hard to make a fair assessment without a better frame of reference.  I'm sure you're doing very well, and if what really matters is whether or not you are pleased with your progress.  Do you have the passion and dedication to take your game to the next level?  Not to beat a dead horse, but I think you should look into formal instruction.  This might give you a better perspective on what you are doing at the table and where you game is headed and where it could be going.  Best of luck.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  2. Well, those are 8 ball stats, and 95% of higher level tournaments are 9 ball, so it's hard to tell. Plus, you're playing on bar tables, and again most high level tournaments are on standard (9 foot) tables. I will say that assuming you play every session, and at least 10 matches per session, 47 break and runs isn't that impressive. That's only 11.75 B&R's per year, and about 4 per session. A really good player will probably average more like 1.5-2 break and runs per match. 8s on the break mean nothing.

    That being said, as a 7 you are obviously an above average player. If you want a better assessment of where you are at compared to better players, you need to start playing in tournaments on 9 foot tables. Beating up on league players doesn't necessarily mean you're a great player, or even one of the top players in your town. Just at the pool hall I go to, there are about 5 players (it's a small place) out of 7 or 8 who hang out there during the day who would go undefeated as an APA 7 if they joined the league tomorrow, but they just don't want to join bar table leagues.

  3. In 4 years?

    47 out of how many?

    9 out of how many?

    how good are the other 49?

    Need a lot more info to give a real answer

    I have hundreds of both if not Ks but I have been playing 50 yrs am I good or bad? see what I mean

    Good if you make the 9 on the break 9 out of 15 -9 out of 200 not so good.-3 in a row you give me the break and last 2 then your good

    I kinda went off but I play 9 ball most of the time

  4. what are break and runs you sound pretty good i beat a guy that was in a grade state that just went too b grade id say on par

  5. so wats ur question

  6. You can only be better than your competition.always reach for higher standards
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