
Talk Mum And Dad In To An Small Animal --- Help Hard Time In Life?

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Im A Huge Pet Lover

We Have Had To Rehome My Best Friend Jake {Beautiful Puppy Border Collie} As My Dad Is Allergic To Dogs.

We Have Had 3 Hamsters && A Rabbit {Out Door Rabbit} Along Time Ago {They Have died Now}

I Dont Have Any Human Friends, And Find Myself Closer To Animals, When we Had To give Jake Away It was The Hardest Thing In My Life To Do As Ive Never Been Closer to Anything in My Life.

Me && My Little Brother {10} Have Been Asking If We Could Get Another Hamster Or Rabbit, But they Seem To Be So Agenst It .... Ive Told them About Being Alone At Break At School && Having No Friend.

Mum Often Tells Me Im Being Silly && Im Lasy && should Get out The House More && Chear up As Im Always Down.

Ive Talked To Her Many Of Times She Doesnt Under-Stand.

How Can I Get Them To Understand && Let Me Look After Something Important To Me && Make me Happy?

Any Ideas




  1. Hey, i've been through the same problems but you could talk them into a trip to the zoo and get them to look at all the cute animals and they might soften up or take a trip to the pet shop and say i really want to look at the animals if i can't get a pet and when you are there keep persuading them, and one bonus is that the shopkeeper wud be all, oh this animal is very intelligent blah blah and they might think, okay then, or the way i did it, achieve something and they mite get u another pet and if they still don't budge, u can phone up your nearest animal center and ask to help out on  weekends(feeding?) and it shows ur parents how mature u are, and u will be responsible for a pet or put a bird feeder in the garden and birds mite come to eat it and stay or search the internet of all the pros and cons of a hamster or whatever u wanted and tell the advantages and stuff

  2. Your dad should go to the doctor and get Polaramin 6 mg

    i got lots of alergy in my family, including dog one, and unless its really extreme then usualy with an hypoalergic animal the people are fine as long as they are on meds

    had to get rid of dog in family once, its worst with the small children, the allergy often change as they grow up, and as older kids they either outgrown it, or are able to make the choise themself as teens or adult that they just dont want to live without animals...tells the doctor so..and get meds to take year round because they often also have other allergies so they need meds anyhow, so they just take med strong enough to tackle all of their allergies

    Polaramin 6 mg is some of the strongest allergy med there is, and in adition there is a posiblitity to get a nasal spray that also have some medical effect..

    hypoalergic dog breeds include

    bichon frize


    and many more

    also black cats

    and sibirian cats

    the important thing is to test the breed of animal on the person a few times while on the med before bringing it into the house

    in the end its up to your dad, if he loved the dog too, then in some cases i know adults who have such an effect of the med that they can live with non hypoalergic dog breeds (but not cats, because they are even more alergic to that)

    if he want to he may even be able to test if he can get along with jake if he takes meds...the important thing here is to make sure you been on the meds a while, and then test if you can live with the animal you want to have

    also an important rule for such people is to not rub their face into the dog fur, and to wash their hands after peting the animal, so that they dont go and rub the dandruff into their eyes or nose later. oh and of course make sure the bedroom is totaly off bounderies for the pet.

    i dont know that hamsters and such are hypoalergic, so in some cases if not then that could be even worse

    you should talk to your parents and let them know its posible for him to get medications if he wants (just say it in a nice sugestive way, and dont acuse him, its not his fault he has alergies, or that his doctor didnt prescribe him meds)

    but if he wants to then on meds with some precautions he can live as any other person im most takes a very very huge allergy for a person not to be able to, like said most often the severest cases in fam is in small kids, and as long as the houses they go to been cleaned, the pets kept outside or in other rooms they didnt frequent while there, then as long as they where on their meds they were usualy fine for some hours here and there.

    So as such if you live countryside and can then an outdoor facility for a dog can also be an option, a dog who but have the rigth housing, and a good spaced dogyard + get a lot of attention and excersise dont hurt by living outside. I know people who keep working dogs like that where they got spouces or kids who are alergic...

    basicaly there is many options, the economy and willingness of your family is what it would stand on. Allergy is not an obsticle that cant be overcome. However if he is that alergic presumable of med's, then I would urge you to tell your father to go have a blood test done for food and plant alergy too, for his own safety, unless he someday eat something, or go to a place with a plant he is alergic to and end up in hospital for that. Even if he dont want to be on daily meds then he if that is so, should always be carying some meds in his pocket or whatnot, so if the accident happen he can get instant anti-histamins while he waits to go into the hospital to reduce his risks.

    So either way for your dads safety since you surely love him, get him to go get a blood test and work with the doctor on at least having some kind of anti-histamin at hand that he can take himself instantly if he becomes aware of eating something that starts making him feel funny (and have a chat about which signs to look out for). Allergy is not something to mess around with, specialy strong one, you need to work with the doctors to make sure you are safe regrdless of wheter you choose to stay away from things in general or not.

  3. Did you do all the cleaning out of the mess etc or was it done by your parents?? think about it .

  4. You are in a very difficult position, I know.  I'm way older but I still remember the way it felt to have no friends.  

    Unfortunately you have three choices;

    1 do nothing but stew.  Not very fun or nice.

    2 Do as your mother suggested and get out and make friends.  I'm sure she could have put it better but it was probably frustration talking.  She loves you and want you to be happy.

    3 If dad is allergic its not fair to ask for another fur bearing animal.  His health should be first just like yours would.

    BUT there are hairless dogs, and if you have an intrest in reptiles maybe you and your dad could work together on a herpetology project.

    The other alternative is to convince them to let you volunteer at a shelter where you can make some miserable little animals happy by helping to keep them clean and give them love and training.

    Or find a trainer and become his/her assistant.

    No matter what choices you make try to find Human friends too.  Sadly animals don't live as long as people and a lifelong friend is special.  Don't look at school for friends obviously that hasn't worked but get out to things that intrest you and find your friends there.

  5. That is very sad for your puppy. Most dogs don't live a very good life, especially if they are already in his second or third home in his short life. Are you sure your dad is really allergic? Or did they just not want such a hyper puppy. A border collie was a bad choice as a first dog to begin with.

    A good Idea for you to be around animals is to volunteer your free time to help out at a no-kill animal shelter or rescue. You can be around animals, be doing a service to your community, and get out of they house! Also another good opportunity is to volunteer with a therapeutic riding center. There is one in my area that is so awesome, and kids of all ages can help.

    To find a shelter/rescue near you just go to ! Super easy pet search engine, and great all around pet site. Also check out there message bored if your lonely. Lots of cool pet knowledge.

  6. Perhaps your parents would be more receptive of a bird?

    Cockatiels are wonderful little companions, and can stay in your room if Dad appears allergic to one.

    My daughter had a cockatiel at your age, and they were such great friends.

    They are not really expensive to keep, and rarely require vet care if raised properly.

    Here is a little more about them:

    One nice thing about teens and birds..Although birds live for many years, they are usually accepted in college dorms, or in no pet housing.

  7. How about volunteering at a local shelter? Or walking dogs for elderly at a local church? You could make human friends that way too.

    You sound too smart for kids your age. Make friends with adults. They are easier to get along with.

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