
Talk aloud when quoting?

by  |  earlier

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Im just curiuse as to whether anybody else finds themselvs luaghing and kinda talking to themselves when they think about what poeple have sayed to them earlier in that day.

Like i will be thinking about a conversation and then i end up saying out loud what other poeple have sayed to me.

Any one else the same?

Is it maybe just a way of processeing information that youv gatherd throughout the day?




  1. Yeah, I do that too. But I'm kind of crazy.

  2. I can certainly relate with you on this one. For me it is when something crosses my mind that has happened in a profound or spectacular way. Normal everyday stuff doesn't do this to me though.

    Best wishes. UK

  3. Dude I know you answered one of my questions I think we are on the same path. I added on to mine let me know if you are the same way then we can contact each other. I see that you are 19-20 correct? I could prob give you a little bit of insight. I am 24-25. I added you to my contacts. This is my first time giving a question on answers. Hit me up. Later dude!

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