
Talk to ATC from home?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anything that allows you to talk to ATC from home, like in an aircraft but without the aircarft?




  1. That would be illegal. why would you need/want to anyway?

  2. Yes.  A portable aircraft radio, although you probably won't get any reception from home.  You could also call them over the phone.  Every Air Traffic Control Center and Tower (in the US at least) has a published phone number.

    You should have a good reason for talking to them.  Don't just call them up to say hi.

  3. Anything that the FCC won't track you down with and have a US Marshall arrest you? No.......

  4. ATC aircraft communications are for the use of pilots in command of aircraft only.  It is a very serious crime to interrupt ATC communications for any other purpose.

    Every ATC facility has a telephone.  If you have a good reason, you can call them.

  5. Yes, there is. The only thing is, is that while our AM radios are in KHz,

    Pilots communicate to ATC by a CB radio like thing that operates on MHz rather than KHz. Pilots use MHz because they are stronger, and less likely to be interfered with although they will pick up AM stations. So get a CB radio like thing and that should do it. I think has a link for communicators for that. Remember it is AM not FM!
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