
Talk to me about school.

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Do you love it/like it/hate it/despise it?

What do you hate (social part/academic part)?

What kind of people are you friends with at your school?

sorry this is a 3 part question but i want to get everybody thinking..:]




  1. Funny thing is i don't go to school!

  2. school = prison. the only difference is that there is you only go to school half of the day.  

  3. i don't hate school but i don't love it.

    what i hate i go to a small private school very strict rules.

    the people i hang around with are the funny,crazy people who love to have a good time.

  4. Right now, I despise school with all within me because of everything that it does to you stress-wise, and socially too. My friends are smart and goofy and all know how to play instruments.  

  5. umm... i dont love it, but i dont hate it. like it, i guess.

    i just hate some classes (like history and english).

    i go to a small school so there are few "cliques", but im bestest friends w/ the weirdos!! and i talk to the "popular" kids too, but they are my bestest friends...

  6. Ok well, I DESPISE school! I mean i get good grades, but only cuz theres nothing else to do.


    The people that are my friends? Hmmm i guess the normal people. idk i hang out with a lot of people i dont know exactly.

  7. Well I am going into 9th grade and a totally new school with new friends so I will tell you about 8th Grade in Middle School. I really liked it a lot. I liked the academic part a lot because my teacher were all like 24 and just got out of college and were cool about h.w. and stuff. They basically let you goof off and I felt like I learned nothing the whole year. I was friends with a girl who I hateee. I hate her because she would ditch me at lunch. But I made a couple of cool people so it's all good. Overall, I would say I liked school.


  8. I like it most of the time. I went to a public school for like a year but I didn't like that but now I got to a private schoolw hich is way better.

    I have lots of friends and thats good ,only sometimes they can be really petty and b*tchy which annoys me, but their mostly fun, interesting people to be around. I'm friends with pretty much everyone at school, my close friends aren't really the "good kids" but then again none of us are into drugs and what not, we generally try hard at school but don't take it as seriously as some people.

    Academically I do ok, I know I could improve a lot if I worked harder and didn't talk so much in class- which I'm trying to do this term. I quite enjoy school academically, although I find maths and science really boring even though I do quite well in them. My absolute favourite subject is English (I'm in the top of of our year group- and yes I know I'm showing off). Drama is also a lot of fun as I love preforming, the only subject I really disike is sport -I'm the most uncordinated person in the world, so mostly me and my friends muck around ,but now the teacher says I have attitude problems.

    I'm 15 btw and yes I know this is a pretty boring answer :)


    I didn't like all the fake people, all the cleavage I saw every single day, the difficulty of all the classes I had, and the fact that I lost pretty much all my friends.

    But, then I made new friends, who happened to be potheads, haha (I'm not one myself). My boyfriend started a band and I ended up becoming good friends with his bandmates. Voila, my high school best friends.

  10. 1. It depends on the day, somedays I can't wait to go to school to see my friends or start a cool project like in art or photography. Most days though, I am tired and piled in work and dreading school.

    2. Once again, it depends. I hate the drama and bitchieness of the social part, but I like my friends. And I hate Math and Science as far as academics go, but I like Art, Photography, English, French, and Developing nations.

    3. I go to a small school so I'm basically friends with everyone in my grade and some of the other highschoolers. International schools are so much different than public, American schools, so it's hard to explain but basically i'm friends with everyone from the Koreans to the  Preps to the Popular kids to the Video Game nerds and ect.

  11. I love school. I wake up every morning thanking God that I get to go. No lie!

    i don't hate anything, but I really don't like the overload of homework I get every night. I mean honors students are athletes too you know... If they could just cut back on the amount of homework assigned, I would be one happy camper.

    I really don't have a group! I have a good variety of friends. Hahaha one weekend I was invited to a party with all the "popular" kids and then the next weekend I dressed up as a crayon to go to a halloween party thrown by the speech and debate team...

    I love school. I can be myself, and get away from my parents. I met some amazing people, some being teachers and I thank God for that!

  12. i don't mind school, i just think the work load gets a little crazy, and i really don't enjoy the crazy teachers.

    the social part really sucks because everyone always wants to create drama all the time and i don't like to waste my time with stupidity, at least i only have this year left and then no more high school, YAY!

    im a bit of a floater, my friends don't really get along with each other because they're so different.  

  13. I  guess this question isn't really for me, but I graduated 39 years ago, but I can tell what I liked about school, speech, P.O.D. (current history), physical education(.P.E.), just being able to learn about our history, saying the Pledge of Alliance,before school started, I don't despies anything, about school, or anything else, my brothers  got so mad at me I HAD A PHOTOGRAPHIC  MEMORY! I never had to take any books home, have you learned about the Gettysburg Address yet?Have you had to learn it & say it in front of your class yet? I learned 39 years ago, and can say it word for word today! How dumb or cool is that?I guess I ran around with normal kids, there were no clicks(the popular crowds), we just enjoyed each others company while at school,and enjoyed being ourselves, instead of acting like someone else, to fit into a certain group, so I guess you could we were squares[because we were ourselves, and liked ourselves]!! If there is something you don't like about yourself, (YOU CHANGE IT), but not to be like someone else, just for you to enjoy being "YOU", have fun in school, learn as much as you can, stay in school and graduate! You can be anything you put your mind to, if you'll just work hard for it! [Like your grades]! Good luck this year!!  And have FUN!!!

  14. school is okay i guess.....

    i hate the academics, it takes up way to much of my time. its called school so thats where we should do it. homework should be against the law.

    im friends with everybody. im the kind of person that you say hi to in the hall but im not the s****. popular person. but i also make good grades..

    i cant have birthday parties cause im friends with preps and emos. haha.

    Best of Luck :]

  15. hate it!

    hate the social environment!

    my to describe them...

    talk to the same 2 people, everyday, a very little group and quiet smart/odd kids. the people that no one knows who they are.

    weird and crazy! rocker/all around weird and cool.

    not popular kids, or anybody like that.

  16. Do you love it/like it/hate it/despise it?

    --I love it because i get to see my friends everyday, i like that i know almost everyone in my little school (elementary but soon leaving for highschool),I hate that my teacher this past year was rude to me and such,I despise how much gossip goes on.

    What do you hate (social part/academic part)?

    ---I don't really hate either, i have tons of friends, we never really get into arguments, and i would rather be smart then dumb!

    What kind of people are you friends with at your school?

    --The kind that don't laugh at you when you cry, who always support you and can take a joke!

    I hope you liked my answers, what are your opinions?

  17. Okay school is good, and its fun. You can do good if you give efort. I like it, I wouldn't say that I love it. I don't ahte any part of it, but someimes drama gets out of hand and that is the only thing that I dont really like. I am friends with people who like me for who I am and dont make fun of me or talk about me behind my back. And my friends at school are good when it comes to school, well they try their hardest and don't slack. That is what helps me in school, well partly.

  18. i like school.

    i love seeing my friends. and the learning part comes easy to me.

    well from being in a small school i talk to everyone but i guess my group is kinda the popular people according to other people. but everyone is friends with everyone its just who we have to partys and who we hang out with outside of school. i love my friends.

  19. I kind of like's fun to learn new things...

    I don't like how some people have all these cliques and judge each other.

    I'm friends with the nice people who like me for me.  

  20. School is a complicated thing...

    1) I love it at times and hate it at others. It depends on the situation and who I'm with. Sometimes I hate what other people are acting like and how unfair things are. Others I love to go to school because you meet so many different kinds of people.

    2) About the social part I find school very limiting because of all the cliques and unsaid social rules. Everyone has the urge to fit in and we lose individuality. As far as the academic part, it bothers me how much homework we get because the amount of homework given to students in the past 20 years has been in a drastic climb up, and I don't think that's fair because it adds pressure to the already fragile mind of a kid. You're only a kid once so you should enjoy it instead of working your butt off on homework. We already give them 7 hours of our day, why anymore?

    3) At my school I am friends with the funny and nice group. We try to be nice to everyone and try not to stir up to much drama. We aren't popular but just a step below. Everyone knows us and thinks we're cool and we like that. We act like ditzes all the time and we're totally crazy. That's why I love 'em! :]

  21. I like it. I really don't like the academic part because I feel like I don't get challenged enough. I have straight A's so I am pretty good. I actually went to an advanced math class last year and really like it except fo the part where I had to redo the work in class and finished in like ten minutes with an extra half hour to hour left to just sit around. I am friends with people who are like me (love music and really love to hang out together and o to movies, shop ect.) We all are pretty popular at are school but aren't like those s****. people who are really mean and just think they are popular.

  22. I like it - I think that every experience has its good and bad days; my school just happens to be inhabited by amazing people so I usually have more good days than bad.

    I hate the idea of dissecting an animal - How many frogs must you cut open? It's not like you'll discover anything new, and isn't the point of learning discovering something you don't already know? You can find the same information in any science book. Plus the idea is gross, but the act is utterly disgusting.

    I float - I pretty much float between the cliques at my school (what? Cliques really do exist? No!). Basically I'm friends with most of the Preps, Emos, Jocks and the random funny people that seem to inhabit this planet.

    :) Hope everyone else has a great school experience too!

  23. i utterly despise school and everyone in it.

    i seriously dont care if i never talk to anyone from school after i graduate.

    they all think drugs are cool and wearing their pants down to their anckles is hot.

    i dont hang around that many people, and i really dont mind that i dont have that many friends.

    less friends = less drama

  24. I love it!

    I hate the social part.

    I am friends with band geeks like me.

  25. i dont HATE it but its pretty wack

    academic..the only reason i go to school is to see my friends

    i dont know but we sure as h**l arnt the little white girl hollister hoes or the emo scene wierdos..

  26. i love it!.....for socializing. haha

    academic pretty ,much suxxx, it's so boring. i have to take finals this year = [

    the people that seem quiet and shy on the outside, but if u get to know them, their super loud and outgoing!

  27. i HATE the acedemic part of school. the only reason i go is to see my friends.

    well im a prep apparently, and all my really good friends are too. but im also friends with a lot of the hardcore druggies and the jocks. and i have a couple emo/scene friends.

    everyone else i find annoying lol

    and yeah, im one of the popular kids ;)


  28. Okay.

    Everyone has to got through it.

    But I don't want to go to high school!

    Plus I'm taking all Honors classes! It will be too much work,hopefully it'll pay off in the end. =/

  29. obviously we hate more the academic part than social part but we should love it very much because we are in the school to study first before others...

  30. School is okay... I love the social part and dislike the academic part. i think that a little hw is okay but 2 much gets to time consuming. i am friends with everyone. i can get along with almost anyone and i have several different types of friends.  

  31. i like it because: i get to be doing things instead of being bored

    academic learning is hard work

    my friends are nerds (not the glasses type just the smart type) and dorks like we make fools of ourselves in public and do stupid things and i would say popular like alot of people know us

    that's okay we need to be thinking =)

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