
Talking Cats Dreams?

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What does it mean if you have a talking cat? I drempt that one of my cats could talk. It could only say one word, but it talked! A co-worker drempt that she had 2 talking, white cats. What is up with that??




  1. It means you need more sleep.

  2. Wow,what a cool dream  Alice in Wonderland-style.

    Many people believe ea of us has animal totems to help

    us during our time on Earth.Investigate a little Find out

    what your animal spirit guide.Also w a dream,pay attn. to

    the emotions(s) you felt at the time:very important.

  3. To see a white cat in your dream, denotes that you are going through difficult times.

    To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. And if its talking it means u need something to say.

  4. Hee.  That one is right in the dream books!  "If cats speak in your dreams, this suggests sexuality, femininity and an ability to express it".  And dreaming of white animals usually means love and s*x.  Have you been wanting a baby lately?

  5. depends wut was the word

  6. lay off the crack not good for you

  7. What did your cat say?

    It is significant that it is one of your cats.  A lot of times we are to preoccupied with life and the "rational" world to listen to what's going on around us.  I mean REALLY listen.  

    I have a book at home called "From The Horse,s Mouth", or something similar.  It teaches you how to still your mind so you can communicate with animals.  In the book she said at first she would have dreams her cat was standing on her chest and answering the questions she asked while awake.  It could be your cat trying to tell you something.

    FYI, I never really had time to sit and be still for long enough to learn to communicate.  Too much going on out here in the "rational" world. :-(

  8. seriously it means you love your cats like another person.

  9. You have cats.  You would like to be able to communicate with those cats more clearly, in words you can understand.  Even though you may not think about this when you are awake, something as small as your cats sleeping on your pillow can cause you to dream of them, and it's normal that in those dreams they can 'talk.'  Evidently you don't think about this much because you say that in your dream your cat could say only one word.  Your co-worker has 'other things' in her head ... perhaps she was recently married or will get married soon (within two years) which explains the 'white' ... perhaps she is thinking about getting two cats but wants some input from them.  Talking cats in dreams are not as unusual as you may think.  Cats are very 'stuck up' around people, and yet at times they try to be so close as to be a part of their human's body.  If your co-worker has been near a white cat or two that was particularly friendly toward her, that would also account for her dream ... and since the two of you talk about your dreams, you subconsiously exchange 'thoughts' that put you both into the same 'mind set' so you have similar dreams, even at different times, on different days.  ALL dreaming does is let our subconscious mind work out things our conscious minds can't or won't work on when we are awake.  Most dreams are done, start to finish in 30 seconds or fewer ... and we have hundreds of dreams every night.  We remember only the dreams that come at the edge of waking up ... and if a cat woke you or something cat-like woke you or your co-worker, and that cat wanted something, the cat would 'talk' ... in other words, it's a 'weird dream' but now you should know it is also a very 'normal' dream to have, too ... anyone who has ever owned cats should 'identify' with these dreams, even if they don't remember having 'talking cat dreams' ...
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